VID: Almost Like a Prophecy (Jack Harkness/Doctor)

Nov 08, 2007 23:57

Title: Almost Like a Prophecy

Music: The Wizard and I, originally from Wicked, but as sung by John Barrowman at last year's A Musical Christmas

Details: This is one of the songs I have listened to most in the last year, but it wasn't until the end of S3 of Doctor Who that it really resonated for me as a perfect Jack Harkness song - and I've ( Read more... )

vid, doctor who, wicked, jack harkness, torchwood

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Comments 38

rookie131 November 9 2007, 11:01:41 UTC
Awwww, shucks.

As for the next one, I kind of like the idea of different verses being different fandoms and somehow they all come together at the end (though I don't watch Supernatural, so that would be lost on me).

Oh, still no baby.


heidi8 November 9 2007, 15:39:32 UTC
Hopefully, soon?!?


misscake November 9 2007, 13:30:55 UTC
Perfect song, indeed!

And nice job on the video. Now I want to go back and re-watch all of the Doctor/Jack scenes!!


heidi8 November 9 2007, 15:45:16 UTC


ignipes November 9 2007, 16:00:14 UTC
Thank you so much! This is just lovely, and the song is wonderful for a Jack video. *HUGS*


heidi8 November 9 2007, 16:17:58 UTC
I'm so glad you like it! Hope you had a terrific day!


topaz_eyes November 9 2007, 17:54:49 UTC
I'm here via ignipes, and this is beautiful! Wonderful choice of shots and cuts, and the song is perfect! Yes, The Doctor is a wizard.


heidi8 November 10 2007, 20:39:14 UTC
Thank you so much for the sweet comments! Glad you liked it!


curtainpull November 9 2007, 18:04:22 UTC
Love this, especially the flashforeward to being the face of Boe! (How much do I love that he changed the lyrics to "He'll say, John." A lot.)


heidi8 November 10 2007, 20:40:06 UTC
Thanks for your comments - I'm really glad the flashforward resonated so well for you!

And the "John" bit is why I used that particular clip of John S and John B... My weird mental meta...


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