Join FictionAlley in celebrating Muggle football's 2006 World Cup, set to take place in June, 2006 in Germany.
Our World Cup Challenge for the summer asks you to write a fic or essay (under 2000 words) or create art which incorporates the 2006 World Cup - you can send HP characters there (portkeys, time turners, the TARDIS, however they can get there), have them discuss it, puzzle over it, or wonder why the posters in the British tabloids don't move - just get creative with it!
Crossovers are allowed.
Rating can be G through R but if you post a rated-R story or art, it must say so in the subject.
Each submission should be posted as a new thread in
this forum; we ask that you post your submission there first, but once you've done so, you can also upload/submit it anywhere else (and yes, we'd love it if you crossposted the art to
All submitters will have their FictionAlley Private Owl box doubled through June 1, 2007; if we can get prizes, we may incorporate the ability to "vote for your favorite" during September.
The forum will close to new submissions on September 1, 2006, so please post before then.