It's not the firsttime they've written about the HP fandom, or HP slash, but it is the first time they've put "fanfic" in quotes as if it's not a real "thing
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It's possible, and I did wonder that, but since fanfic isn't synonymous with smut, it feels a little oversnarky and disingenuous that they're trying to make that parallel.
Oh, no, I don't think they're suggesting that all fanfic is smut. I think they're suggesting "We're not going to actually say smutfic and traumatize all the pearl-clutching types who make up the majority of NYT readership, so we're adding some quotes and those of you who understand what sort of story we're talking about will get it, and those who wish to go on casually and blissfully oblivious can read this sentence some other way."
And I am so glad you did! Do you remember the not-insignificant amount of wank about the article itself, though, and the concern by some that The Powers That Be now knew about Fandom?
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