Nothin at all...

Jun 08, 2001 11:53

Nothins gone down so far today. I woke up extremely early thinkin I was late for school. Duh we dont have school anymore! We're now seniors! YES! Then layed out a little and went to pay on my car and saw my mom at work. Then came home and now Im doin nothin. My plans for last night got cancelled cause my family came over for dinner. But it ( Read more... )

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Comments 11

ughhh! jewy42 June 8 2001, 21:08:21 UTC
your so fired its not even funny, oh wait it is haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!


jewy42 June 12 2001, 20:04:12 UTC
yeah uve had your last chance at bein my friend, see u next year when school starts!


gothboyuk July 2 2001, 10:57:33 UTC
i know the feeling coz i have left high school (british high is diff.) and i got nothing to do i need a job and my life is a bit of a mess but on the whole im :-)


I hope you dont mind... heidgod January 26 2002, 18:36:49 UTC
I hope you dont mind that i commented...but obviously my name is heidi, as well so i decided to look up who had the username of heidi on live journal....
you dont seem to be updating your journal..but howdy :o)

ps my lj pics suck at the moment bc my dit camera is not working so dont mind the fact its an odd pic


....... sexi_mexi February 6 2004, 15:48:48 UTC
Mmmmm...steak and shake *drools* o_O


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