[Screened to Lacroix]

Mar 11, 2011 01:26

Such carelessness. It appears to be the work of an inexperienced mage, skittish and uncertain, too young and reckless to bother burying the corpses after leeching what energy he could from the finches. Though from the fact that some still survived, perhaps he was interrupted before he was allowed to finish ( Read more... )

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hector_styles March 11 2011, 11:04:27 UTC
I'm afraid I rarely eat here; it's far easier to allow an experienced chef to cook my meals for me. However, if I now have an experienced chef in my home, perhaps I won't be as inclined to dine out so often.

It will embarrass me if you degrade yourself in public by putting yourself at the same level as the common man. If not for you, then at least put on a facade of superiority for my comfort.

You simply have yet to find a way to focus your potential. With time and experience, you will be able to control your power with more ease. Did you see the device I left outside your room? Take it and concentrate on it tonight, contemplate its workings. Take it apart if you must. And in the morning, I want you to tell me what you think its function is. This will be your first assignment.


lacroix_styles March 12 2011, 13:32:07 UTC
That's one of those rich guy answers; 'I could do it, but I'll get somebody else to do it instead'.
But, hey, I do want something to do around here besides the whole grim and doom lot of everything.
And since you apparently are never going to let me leave the damn place I should get really amazingly awesome at cooking. Meh.

Wow, that's...going to be interesting to attempt; I'm more the..background type.

I tripped over that thing! I thought it was a really weird mouse trap. Or an ugly doorstop.
It's not going to blow up if I mess with it, right? And I can totally take it apart and probably break it...if you insist.


hector_styles March 12 2011, 20:57:12 UTC
Your studies should be your primary focus. Cooking in your free time, of course, is certainly allowed.
I invited you to a film and a museum exhibit in this very post. How precisely is that not allowing you to leave?

It won't harm you to take it apart, no. Eventually you will be able to discern the workings of every device with moving parts. While truly your focus will be death, death and matter go hand in hand - for what is left behind when a person dies except the wealth of objects that he had accumulated in life?


lacroix_styles March 13 2011, 01:52:32 UTC
Why do I feel like I'm living in a boarding school. Without the benefit of Catholic school girls or boys.
By myself. But you know, oddly, that's still more to do in a weekend than I've had in a while.
..I don't have to do something annoying like write a five page report on that movie, right? Sheesh.

That's lovely, really. I'm starting to think you have an unhealthy obsession with death. -snerk-
My wealth would be pretty easy to to gather up if I end up off'ed; since I'm not allowed to hang out with anybody else you get custody of Sigmund. And you HAVE to be NICE to him! Or I'll haunt you.


hector_styles March 13 2011, 02:12:52 UTC
If you so desire for more company, I will introduce you to my mentor, providing you act with the utmost respect toward him. Or perhaps I can introduce you to a worthwhile acquaintance of mine that you might learn something from.
I'm afraid I cannot let you go anywhere unaccompanied for a short while. For your own safety.
And no. The film was merely for entertainment, nothing more.

I would preserve him in your memory. And unfortunately you would not be able to haunt me. For long, at any rate. I would simply banish you if you became too intrusive.


lacroix_styles March 13 2011, 02:18:12 UTC
Is he as exciting as you? Haha. Or, uh...he is he going to glare at me? That creeps me out.
Really, what am I going to do? I dealt with the craziness on my own for years, pretty sure I still can for short periods now too.
No promises if I'm drunk, I get stupid when I'm drunk.
Lighten up Hector, it'll be fun! Movies are fun.

I'm going to have to live forever now because you're an ass. Just saying. :P
Banishing...bah, your life would be dull[er] without me!


hector_styles March 13 2011, 02:26:23 UTC
He's quite brilliant. But based on my knowledge of you, I doubt you would find his counsel desirable as of yet. Perhaps when you are more experienced.
Drunkenness is not allowed in my home. All good things in moderation.

And how do you manage to accomplish that? Perhaps I should avoid introducing you to my vampire acquaintances. I wouldn't want you to become tempted.
It would certainly be quieter, at any rate.


lacroix_styles March 13 2011, 02:39:36 UTC
Hey, I might like him! You never know. Besides, I can't hang out here forever and never meet anybody else that lives in this madhouse.
Says the guy that has a wine cellar the size of a small country.

Why do I get the feeling we're not talking Lestat here? I like my pulse anyway.
Hey, I'm not that loud! I haven't done anything loud yet.


hector_styles March 13 2011, 02:46:21 UTC
I'm sure you'll meet them all at a later date. I want you to make significant progress with your studies first, though. They will be inspecting my ability to teach very carefully, after all.
It's merely a small pantry. Indulging in a glass of wine now and then is clearly not resorting to drunkness.

As odd as it may seem to you, vampires are indeed real.


lacroix_styles March 13 2011, 03:02:09 UTC
That's not pressure at all, nooo.
That's just stopping at the fun part. At least you avoid the hangover though.

Great, so walking dead people are also around. That only slightly worries me. It doesn't however surprise me very much, I've met people I could have sworn had to sleep in coffins. Have you been to many of the clubs in this city? Crazy stuff. Dead people probably isn't as crazy as what's around there.


hector_styles March 13 2011, 03:06:06 UTC
I have quite high expectations for you.
Hangovers are especially not allowed. I don't need you vomiting on some important artifact.

You needn't worry; most undead wouldn't enjoy feeding from you - or at least the aftereffects, anyway. Your blood is quite potent. Hallucinogenic, even.


lacroix_styles March 13 2011, 03:36:10 UTC
Yeah, I've noticed that. It freaks me out.
Odd, you don't look eighty, really.

Can we not talk about being chewed on? There's something a little disturbing about that. Almost as disturbing as the fact that apparently my blood is toxic.


hector_styles March 13 2011, 03:43:41 UTC
So long as you work hard, you will please me. After you discern the function of the item I gave you, I'm sure a suitable reward for your efforts will be in order.

It's not disturbing; I've been bitten countless times. And your blood is not toxic. Instead, think of it as a recreational drug.


lacroix_styles March 13 2011, 03:54:43 UTC
Man, I'm not ten, I don't need a gold star when I do something right. Just the usual...endless praise for how amazing I am. Heh. But hey, whatever works, I'm curious anyway and rewards are generally better than being banned to my room.
Which I live in.

Why? Those are teeth, well, fangs, they hurt! That's like...masochistic.



Hahaha...okay, end of that conversation. Ahemn.

Recreational drug...I bet.


hector_styles March 13 2011, 04:00:02 UTC
You are certainly free to reside in any of the rooms I've given you a tour of.

Oh, of that I have no doubt. I certainly must be masochistic to have taken on such a protégé.


lacroix_styles March 13 2011, 04:08:34 UTC
Yeah, but it's not as much fun without anybody to hang out with and I can't even take Sigmund around the place with me.

Hey! Don't be like that; I make your life exciting and interesting! You just never give me a chaaance to!


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