
May 15, 2013 12:04

So, the lack of decent Hawkeye fanart (that I can find, anyway, apart from the Hawkeye Initiative) has me seriously considering sticking my toe back into fandom. Well, contributing to fandom, and not just lurking in the background and flailing like a lonely loon ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

aggiebell90 May 15 2013, 21:20:55 UTC
So... out of curiosity, what is this ship of which you speak???

Also, I have a Tumblr, too, although it's been mostly Lizzie Bennet Diaries plus some Avengers stuff lately (which...it's an interesting mix, now that I think about it).

And I still have no idea what the hell I'm doing over there.

Also, *waves*


hecatesknickers May 15 2013, 23:29:07 UTC
Hawkeye/Darcy Lewis.  There's some really well done fic out there, just not enough, lol.


aggiebell90 May 16 2013, 03:20:26 UTC
Um, yeah. I might ship them, too. *coughs* I think I've probably read all of the Clint/Darcy fic on AO3. .

Um... not sure if you've found these yet, but here are some people who post Clint/Darcy (plus other Marvel stuff, plus other stuff) on Tumblr

the-yellow-ranger (does a lot of Steve/Darcy, but does have some Clint/Darcy)

And the
Clint/Darcy tag

and fuckyeahdarcylewis, dedicated to all things Darcy.

There's more, I know there is, but I can't find it at the moment.

Also, I need an Avengers icon or three...


hecatesknickers May 16 2013, 18:32:11 UTC
I really hate the android LJ app...

Anyway. Awesome, thank you! And yay, another shipper! Darcy actually started out as my bicycle, but then I read Clint/Darcy and boom. It was over for me.

I have to go get a new cooling pad for my laptop, so I can actually open photoshop without things exploding, but once I do...there will be icons. And wallpapers. And...things.


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