SPN Episode reactions 10x13 and 10x14

Feb 22, 2015 01:53

Supernatural Episode Reactions 10x13 and 10x14
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supernatural, episode reaction, season 10

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Comments 10

jennygeee February 22 2015, 12:48:11 UTC
I agree with you about Dean perving on he college girls, I found that really uncomfortable to say the least!

I suppose when a show gets to its tenth season they have to start repeating actors as they've already used them all LOL!!

Re the last episode, I loved it, loved the focus on Dean, although I do agree about Cain and him being around for a few more seasons and stretching that out.

This is turning out to be a very good on in my opinion.

Hope all is well with you.

btw you won't believe it but my photo ops from last year's Asylum turned up in the post yesterday!!!!! Pity he can't do the same with the e-tickets :((


heavenli24 February 22 2015, 18:48:20 UTC
Yeah, Dean's perving just didn't really seem in character - he's always been respectful of women and even when he's been eyeing them up in the past it hasn't really been in a pervy way ( ... )


jennygeee February 22 2015, 19:36:22 UTC
Rogue has just put up photo ops for sale, do you plan to buy any? If so do you want me to get them for you as you need ticket numbers to buy them! I expect they'll be on sale at the con as well but just in case they aren't I thought I'd let you know. I have no idea why he can't send the etickets again, it would be so much easier.

I hope you manage to get cheapter tickets to Dallas!


heavenli24 February 22 2015, 23:51:12 UTC
I was just reading about the photo ops on the FB group. I wasn’t planning to get anything at all for A14, though I was thinking of getting a JDM autograph as I may not meet him again.

I had also been considering a getting Jensen photo op so my mum and I could both be in it, but it sounds like maybe there won’t be that many available (800 in total?) and possibly none of them on sale at the con (not sure on that though)… and I already have photo ops with them at JIB and Dallas (2 Jensen, 1 Jared, 1 Misha and 1 J2 at JIB, plus 1 Jensen, 1 Jared and a J2 at Dallas) so I'm not sure whether to bother :P.


nanousblues February 25 2015, 12:41:44 UTC
Pfew finally found the time to read your reactions AND comment ( ... )


nanousblues February 25 2015, 12:49:07 UTC
Good choice of images, btw! That last still, it's kind of breaking my heart just looking at it! ;p


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