Title: The Reddest Night
Series: Axis Powers Hetalia
Words: -1,000
Characters: Norway ; Denmark (one-sided Denmark/Norway, mentions of Sweden)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Kissing
Summary: Written for
hetalia_contest's week 015 prompt, "Red." “Morning red gives wet days; evening red gives sweet days.” : the story of the Kalmar Union
“Yo, Norge! Still sulking up here?” )
Comments 9
Pfft. I feel special for realizing what was going on historically without reading the footnotes. */shot* *was recently looking up general Norwegian history*
But, seriously tho, it's really nice. ;A; I love eeeeeeht.
You make me want to go out and buy a book on this stuff, but I'm broke! Damn you for fueling my unhealthy Nordic obsession. D:
No, but really, I absolutely love what you did with this prompt and story in general. <3
But seriously, you have so much talent on writing! I love the relation between the historical events, the meanings and this fic. It was simply fantastic!!! *O*
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