About Fei, I am planning to write sth on the side..kinda detach frm the main story. This one is mainly abt Takaba and Asami (hopefully it will come around nicely) hihi...
This one is mainly abt Takaba and Asami... Oh, thank god!!! ^_~ I was worried my favorite character would get left out. And I'm really looking forward to this costume. hehe. As well as the party. I love Takaba's response to the text message...he's going to regret it, I assume?
heuheuehe....thank u for reading this*hugz back*! Hmm...I can't stop writing now..which is great..but I hope it turns out ok..^_^! Oh...Takaba's ur fave? huehuehu...I can't leave him alone even if I want too....*give aki a nudge*...(grin grin)
Comments 4
I love your Aki, he's so real. Playful and hardworking and with a conscience though he doesn't let that stop him.
Good job! Keep writing (uh, please^^), I want to know more. ^_^
Thank you so much for keeping up with me! ^^!
*hugs* thanks for not making me wait too long!
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