(no subject)

Jun 17, 2009 15:47

I'll try not to whine too much, but I came home to an apartment that needs cleaning, lines that need memorizing, a play that needs producing, a job that needs catching-up-on, and a uterus hell-bent on leaving me in a pile of pain.

I want my bed, and a big juicy book, and a heating pad, and a seclusion force field.

That said, I have been memorizing, producing, working, and popping Alleve. Ignoring that whole cleaning thing, though. I've also decided to rid myself of all the crap I've been carrying around in my body and detox after Bonnaroo with another food reset. Don't fear the mundane- I'll keep all that stuff behind a cut.

I did this last year (see the food reset tag) and it made me feel fantastic and reminded me to put a little more thought into what I eat. It's not a weight-loss diet- this is about quality, not quantity.
The Rules:

Week One- The Roughness and Toughness:
Eat: Fruits, veggies, nuts, legumes. Vegan.
Don't Eat: Starches that aren't veggies (I've given myself a pass on potatoes), other carbs, sugar, meat, eggs, dairy.

Allowances: I'm looking to be in the spirit of this, so I can eat, say, a veggie spread if it has a trace ingredient of something I'm not suppossed to have. If I'm at a bar, I can have wine. Cheat days will happen on special occasions. I'd rather cheat and get right back on the wagon than never try because I know I have a bachelorette party or bbq or some other social function that I don't want to be about me and my healthy living routine.

Week Two: Add fish and eggs

Week Three: Add poultry

Week Four: Add meat and dairy

Week Five: Add whole grains

Yesterday I was too busy and I crashed early, so I didn't eat enough. But I still think I got off to a good start:
1 whole pear
1 cup lemongrass and spearmint tea

1 piece raw and vegan flaxseed herb crust pizza with spinach basil pesto, sun dried tomato sauce, portabello, zucchini, and oregano
1 V8

Chopped Mexican salad with avocado, black beans, jicama, chopped tomato and cilantro, white corn and tomato-chili dressing

I was going to have an apple and peanut butter for dessert and extra protein, but I peaced-out before I could even think about washing the apple.

daily grind, food reset

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