back at work

Jul 16, 2007 10:28

Why must we work? WHY? Actually, today has been fairly easy-going so that's good. No back from vacation on-slaught of drama and work.

I think my bursitis is back in my hip. Which is AWESOME ( Read more... )

tmi: health, tv whore, tmi: life, goodies: screencaps

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Comments 9

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heather13 July 16 2007, 17:12:08 UTC
so it's all sort of erupted in this saracen!fnl! kind of way
Which is totally awesome! I'm so glad we can all squee together :)

I loved Landry when he insisted that Grandma was a witch and then I loved him some more for his tutoring and then the members only jacket of doom and then when they did that stuff with Tyra, I was just smitten. The banquet roast was just the best. The look on her face kills me dead.

They're all from HD broadcasts. I think it's 620x350 at it's best but even full screen (1024 res), it's still in very good condition.


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heather13 July 17 2007, 13:27:48 UTC
I wouldn't be worried about pushing your Saracen love. Have you SEEN tlace's journal lately? You'd never know it, but she likes Jason Street. ;)

Don't blame the couture KILLS me.

I have to make some icons. I didn't want to start until I finished the caps. Glad I didn't have any big plans this weekend ;)


tlace July 16 2007, 16:04:01 UTC
I am willing to make a bet that Scott Porter/Jason Street will become her new Jason Dohring/Logan EchollsGirl you have NO IDEA HOW RIGHT YOU ARE!! HOLY HANNAH!! Okay I have two eps left (and I do NOT want it to end... fucking 22 eps a season BULLSHIT) and... Um, ch-ch-ch-changes anyone?! And matt/street?! and "why are you so easy to talk to?" just GUH!!! Street owns me on levels unimaginable ( ... )


heather13 July 16 2007, 17:19:57 UTC
It's funny, I waited a couple of days before I watched 21&22. I just didn't want it to end so I put it off until I couldn't take it anymore :)

1x19 which I was watching this weekend is just awesome. Everything about the football field scenes are gold.

My OTP is definitely Coach/Tami but I truly, truly adore Tyra/Landry, Jason/Suzy and, of course, Matt/Julie.

The last two eps are chock full of Tyra and Landry! It's full of *needs shipper name here* goodness!

Smash is awesome with Waverly. Totally awesome. But if she bugs now, she's not going to bug you any less, "trust".

And YES Street NEEDS to be a COACH!!! *looks around and knows nothing ( ... )


lepapillon July 16 2007, 16:04:13 UTC
Yep, FNL, Lost, and Heroes (though I'm trying to catch up on The Office) are really the only shows I care about right now. And well, ok, ANTM just because I love that show too. I'm adding Gossip Girls to my schedule cause I need a teen angst fest for my tv. It's a must.


heather13 July 16 2007, 18:02:56 UTC
I'm so happy you're catching up with The Office!

ANTM is just too TOO, you know? I love it, too. Tyra is such a crazy ego-maniac. It's awesome.

I read about Gossip Girls and if they have d/l on cw maybe I'll check it out if nothing else is on. I think they gave too many details in the synopsis I read and it started to hurt my head.


jainaj July 17 2007, 12:33:01 UTC
isiah washington's been cast in bionic woman! after all the hoo-haa from grey's anatomy. but will be watching that.

i think i'm kinda glad being in this country. okay i have to download all the shows i want to see, but at least i can download all of the ones showing on the same night!

also is it me or does chuck sound like jake 2.0?


heather13 July 17 2007, 13:34:04 UTC
I heard that! As long as he keeps his mouth shut...

That's why I love my DVR. And that's why it fills up so quickly. ;)

I only watched a couple of episodes of Jake 2.0 because HELLO Christopher Gorham!!! but now that you mention it (and now that I've read an actual description of Chuck and not just watched the promos), YES, it does! OMG, it's like the same show only supposedly funny and without Christopher Gorham, which is the biggest crime of all.


jainaj July 17 2007, 13:45:43 UTC
there's clearly not enough tv shows with christopher gorham, it is criminal.

i loved jake 2.0, got canned at totally the wrong time!

yes, isiah just needs to remember to not say anything daft and he'll be fine.


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