but don't you already have all the dresses?

Jan 31, 2007 09:16

Would it be completely crazy to buy the slim cases of Buffy and Angel? They're on sale at Amazon for $20 and sure I already have them all but SLIM CASES. And the only X-Files season I need is $24! I'm super excited about that and will definitely buy it because I love season 4 ( Read more... )

tv: btvs, tv shows on dvd

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Comments 9

jainaj January 31 2007, 14:57:57 UTC
but if you already have them... then you are le nuts. if you don't, go for it! i can't believe they're only $20! that's about £10!!! usually the boxsets here are about .. £30 odd.


heather13 January 31 2007, 15:35:00 UTC
I have the old thick ones not the slim cases. And the slims are so much nicer and store better. And $20! It's probably nuts but I'm leaning more towards it. I could always sell the others.


jainaj February 1 2007, 11:16:19 UTC
you are nuts, but it's buffy dvds, they have a tendancy to make any buffy fan feel nuts.


soulswallo January 31 2007, 15:33:33 UTC
I replaced all my huge Stargates and XFiles with the slim cases ... and I love them. I keep thinking that I should replace my Buffys, but then they also have the collector's case which is equal to about 4 of the regular size seasons. Gah! I'm no good at giving advice. The price is veeeerrrrry good, though. Very, very good. *nods*


heather13 January 31 2007, 15:43:01 UTC
The collector's kills me and I totally want that but there's just something about the slim cases that seduce me. Maybe if I just bought some of the seasons? But then when it's not $20 anymore, I'll be kicking myself. However, if I buy 7 seasons of Buffy, D. might kick me so hmmm... I have lots of thinking to do!


tlace January 31 2007, 15:46:59 UTC
DON'T DO IT!! Think about all of the TV you may/will fall in love with in your lifetime and the $20/BtVS season = $140! That's like 3.5 seasons of other shows you could purchase. Just sayin'.


heather13 January 31 2007, 16:15:43 UTC
You're right. I know you're right. I won't let the pretty influence me or the fact that storage wise? A much smarter choice because 2 of them are the size of 1.

But you're right. I know.

Maybe I'll buy the camera instead.


pastelstar January 31 2007, 23:54:14 UTC
When I saw the XF sets for 2/35 during boxing day, I had the same madness come upon me. Thankfully, my brother's lack of patience saved my ass. Ha.


heather13 February 1 2007, 13:47:01 UTC
2 for 35? Wow. That's awesome. My boy's mom bought us 1-9 for our birthdays last year. The first season is thick one but the rest are slim and the only season we didn't get was 4 because they ran out and I'm like but 4 is one of the best! Wah!


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