mondays give me hives

Sep 18, 2006 10:03

Does anyone else have issues highlighting and deleting in LJ? Every computer I use will not let me highlight and backspace. I can only hit the backspace. It sort of sucks. Just wondering if I'm alone in that ( Read more... )

tv: btvs, tmi: the aparment, icons, tv: the office, goodies: wallpapers

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Comments 42

saltygoodness24 September 18 2006, 15:38:17 UTC
Hi there, I just wanted to stop by your journal because I saw your AWESOME Felicity icon at lavellebelle's journal and wanted to see if you had any more. Your icons are beautiful! I find so few Felicity and I am completely unskilled in making them myself so finding yours is like finding buried treasure! Do you mind if I snag a few? Will credit, of course. Just wanted to give you my compliments :) Have a wonderful day!


heather13 September 18 2006, 15:58:58 UTC
Hi! Thanks so much :) All my Felicity icons can be found here or at my icon site, Restless.

Yay, Felicity!!


p_h_h September 18 2006, 17:20:21 UTC
love the Office ones:)


heather13 September 18 2006, 18:16:34 UTC


jenah September 18 2006, 18:26:24 UTC
I didn't watch it actually! I was watching the last 6 eps of LOST S2 with Kelly and Kim - and then later watching some Supernatural.


But girl - why are all your icons and wp showing up as little X's? Or is it me?!


heather13 September 18 2006, 19:05:35 UTC
It was nice to see all the old promos and stuff. I thought it was really swell of them to do that.

Um, I don't know. I don't see x's. Now i'm a little worried...


jenah September 18 2006, 19:25:43 UTC
Don't be worried - it could be something to do with my computer here at work :)


heather13 September 18 2006, 20:25:55 UTC
I LOVE your Jayne icon. MMMM. Jayne...

Oh, phew! I'm also so paranoid about the xs!


kymess_jr September 18 2006, 19:05:40 UTC
Great Spuffy icons!

About the text highlighting thing... it has to do with the new format (called Horizon) LJ switched to. If you want to be able to highlight text again you have to go here and pick either "XColibur" or "Dystopia", and then scroll down and hit "save changes". Hope that helps you :)


heather13 September 18 2006, 20:28:43 UTC
Thank you!

Sometimes I really dislike LJ. I like the Horizon format but I am a fan of the highlight and delete. It's a big help! Thanks!


cordykitten September 18 2006, 19:17:39 UTC
I snagged the Spuffy ones; I love especially the coloring of the second one.


heather13 September 18 2006, 20:30:41 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you liked them :)


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