i need to be bled dry to quit

Oct 08, 2005 15:37

  • So I bit the bullet and asked him to go to see Fiona with me and in exchange, I would willingly go skiing and enjoy myself. He said, "Sounds like a good deal. Where do I sign up?" Now I just have to wait for the tickets to go on sale.

  • We went out to dinner last night and the couple at the table next to us got engaged. On one hand, sweet...on ( Read more... )
  • movies: serenity, etc: websites, music: fiona, tmi: life

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    Comments 10

    _jennilou October 8 2005, 23:44:26 UTC
    1. Good deal.

    2. Why is timing so cruel? I would die if I had to witness an engagement in that same scenario. heh

    3. That's weird because style sheets are like the seond thing I ever learned to do. I couldn't live without them. But I never use images in them; that's what the header file is for in PHP. At least, in my case. (You can look at mine if you think it might help. stylesheet.css is the file name in the daydreaming directory.) Good luck figuring it out!


    heather13 October 10 2005, 22:45:09 UTC
    2. And they were right next to us. Like all that separated us was a wall and there was a fake window cut out so we were even closer to them than if there wasn't a wall there at all. It was awful.

    3. Style sheets...hopefully they'll get easier as I get more used to them. The PHP was fine once I got that under control.


    _jennilou October 10 2005, 23:24:08 UTC
    I love that we can both agree that witnessing an engagement is awful. Cynics, we are.


    jainaj October 9 2005, 11:28:01 UTC
    Well if you need a hand with the css stuff gimme a bell. I think i'm getting there with it, dont think i've used anything but css. Have you been to the css zen garden site? http://www.csszengarden.com/, swear by that place. great place to learn.


    heather13 October 10 2005, 22:46:21 UTC
    That site is sooooooooo pretty! I couldn't believe all the things. It depressed me :) I think I have the css down but you never know. You do one thing right, good...trying it the second time, slightly different, and the whole thing goes to hell.


    jainaj October 12 2005, 17:41:16 UTC
    i sooo know what you mean! but once you get the hang of it it'll be like, how did i live without this?!


    sweet_ali October 15 2005, 01:38:00 UTC
    -LOL! Well, i wish you luck with that skiiing. Just, you know, fall down if you can't stop ;)

    - told her it was too early to psycho-analyze me and ran away because, sure, she's right but whatever. I'm bitter.

    Bwahahahaha! That's great. And, you know, possibly true, but not the point.

    -Can you just come over and explain all these graphic programs to me? And show me how exactly I am fucking up? Please? I'll...see Fiona Apple with you? ;)

    (and onto the next post)


    heather13 October 27 2005, 14:27:45 UTC
    fall down if you can't stop ;)
    I think that falling down definitely won't be a problem :) The two times I've been, I've done that part really, really well.

    Which graphics programs? Is it PaintShop or Photoshop? I'm not so good at PS and it usually leaves me huddled in a corner, crying and eating my hair. But there are some things I can figure and if I can help you in any way, you know I will :)


    sweet_ali October 28 2005, 06:41:32 UTC
    I would love someone to sit down and show me exactly how to make just icons in Photoshop. I don't want to copy someone's style, but i am just a complete spaz about all of it. How to use brushes, layers, diferent tools, everyhting. And i see tutorials and it just doesn't stick. Makes me tired. I really think if someone just sat next to me, I'd get it.


    heather13 October 29 2005, 04:25:51 UTC
    Have you tried Paint Shop Pro? I find it to be much easier. It may not have all the capabilities that PS does but it comes pretty damn close. And when I was just starting it was really the only program that made any sense to me at all.

    But I know what you mean. I feel that exact way about PHP. I need someone to show me step by step and explain to me why it is so fantastic.

    Are you in NY or NJ? NY isn't that far... ;)


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