how could you be so dr. evil

May 13, 2009 17:39

So...I think I'm almost completely over TV. Please talk me back into loving my shows because I am completely NOT CARING:

  • I still haven't watched The Office or 30 Rock from last week yet.
  • HIMYM has been fine but C'MON with the advancement of the plot already. MY GOD. And there better be some kind of Barney/Robin thing happening in the next ( Read more... )
  • tv whore, movies, tv: fringe, tv: ai, tv: spn, tv: lost, the suck: work

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    Comments 2

    lepapillon May 14 2009, 00:40:37 UTC
    I agree about HIMYM totally. I mean, I'm loving the episodes but they don't seem to move anything forward. If anything, they've gone back with Stella!


    heather13 May 14 2009, 14:35:18 UTC
    I didn't really understand bringing Stella back at all. I thought maybe if she somehow introduced him to the mother or something but just to see Ted be a sad sack AGAIN and to NOT meet the mother AGAIN is just wearing thin.


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