The spirit has been willing but the computer has been weak, dammit...
last year's post certainly had some dead-on hits & a couple of wide misses! I think I was a bit too vague & perhaps a bit too inclusive. This year will be a bit different:
The theme for last year was change. This year it's polarization. This year, opinions will be formed, will change & will be expressed. For many of us, this will be a constructive thing. For three of us it will be damaging. This year will bring trials for 4 couples. Two will weather the storm. The one at the bottom of the world will find, for a time at least, intense happiness. Financial problems will threaten to overwhelm 5 of us. Three will learn from their mistakes & recover. Health concerns will become a big priority for two of us. One of us will experience tremendous pain. One of us will learn the true meaning of honor. The two up north will overcome several daunting obstacles & grow closer. The one on the coast will fade away. There will be a prodigal this year (maybe two). The one across the ocean will revel in domesticity (secretly). There will be two new pairings, one will fail publicly. The one who hit her reset button last year will renew friendships & grow as a person. The bitter one will become less so. The procrastinator will miss a life-changing opportunity twice. The quiet one will find her voice, almost too late. The freaked out one will make a decision based on previous loyalty and regret it. The eternal bridesmaid will get a surprise. One of us will come to the brink of death. One of us will rediscover hedonism. Two on the fringe will move closer to the center. One of us will discover that planning does not equal living. The two experiencing "dry spells" will become closer but not intimate. The long-distance lovers will be sorely tested. The calm one will learn a very dangerous thing. And one of us will dream of tomatoes...
That's it kiddies. I know there's a lot there to digest. I know this will resonate with a few of you & as always, I'm not naming names! Your life is what you make it.
It's gonna be a long year. Good luck... we're gonna need it!