I Am Never Without It

Jan 13, 2013 20:04

Title: I Am Never Without It
Author: shangrilada (Kira)
Summary: Sam is happy. His body is not.
Word Count: 5949
Warnings: Rape talk, torture talk, light-hearted sex talk.
Author's Note: And heeeere's your heart failure. This comes a little after most of what you've seen so far (but not Angel). Never fear, all these holes will be filled in time. We know where they ( Read more... )

author: kira, point of view: sam

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Comments 27

drcharleseppes January 14 2013, 02:40:35 UTC
The fact that you don't go episode by episode, in a matter of speaking, makes me all the more excited the more I read each prompt. There are so many questions. I have a feeling that not all of them will be answered, however, so fuck you.

And love you.

In respect to Sam, I hope that you get that I mean you both.

I can't wait for your next post.


heartverse January 14 2013, 03:06:26 UTC
thank you SO much.

if you want to let me know some of the questions you have, that would actually be SUPER helpful for planning what i'm going to write next.


drcharleseppes January 14 2013, 04:08:23 UTC
To put it simply, I'm worried about Sam and Dean. It feels as though they've forgotten to be SamAndDean. Don't get me wrong; I LOVE Christa and I love the way you're going with all of this; (Cas/Sam, Dan/Christa);

But what of Sam and Dean? It just seems like Dean and Sam are falling away from each other; and although I get it and understand it, it makes my heart ache. They love other people; but what of their love and devotion to each other?

Honestly, it's okay if there's not a direct answer. One of the things that I love about your stories is that their feelings for one another are slow to be discovered. I love the new relationships and am in love with your future. However, I'm afraid for Sam and Dean.

I don't want to see them tear apart.


heartverse January 14 2013, 04:28:41 UTC
oh, no, don't worry! i'm glad you mentioned this though because i hadn't thought about the fact that we need more sam/dean stories and now i will make absolutely sure we get some. they're stronger than ever, promise. i'll do a samanddean one right after i finish the one i'm working on now, cool? do you think during heart failure would be good? they can be languishing around together, just a little ething.

but yeah, i'm glad you pointed this out and hopefully i can assuage some fear. they are great and absolutely not tearing apart.

and i'm so glad people love christa, it means a lot to me. i know OCs can be really unwelcome sometimes.


iamthepasserby January 14 2013, 08:51:57 UTC
you know when something is so good it's like, gross? it's so good that you hate it, like, it's so wonderful, that you kind wanna kill it with fire? the kind of thing where you like it so darn much that you wanna cuss at it and then feed it to a rabid pitbull?

well, i HATE you right now.


heartverse January 14 2013, 10:30:16 UTC
I love you so much I'm using crying Jess on you because that's how much I crave your hate.


ALSO iamthepasserby January 14 2013, 09:05:49 UTC
Fics we NEED to see, judging from this fic:

1) Christa and Cas bond at the grocery store. Apples are deep, yo. Deep. DEEP.

2) Um, "demon-blood-in-the-water"? WTF?!

3) Jess and Sam and Cas? "the three of them"? What? WHAT. (except YES)

4) Kylie and Sam play ponies.

5) The Papercut Incident.

6) Cas spills the coffee.

At your leisure.

*demanding reader is demanding(and overbearing(and excessive)...definitely excessive)*


Re: ALSO heartverse January 14 2013, 10:26:26 UTC
1) an excellent idea.

2) OH JUST WAIT, IT'S COMING. and it's a slow and long reveal, like the whole s2/s5 croatoan thing. it's pretty great. I can say this because I'm not the one writing it.

3) heehee but I am the one writing thiiiiis one. it's coming.

4) that happens in like every single one.

5) oooh good idea

6) also a good idea

and um shut up i adore you.


Re: ALSO familybizness January 14 2013, 20:22:09 UTC
For #1 would you prefer Cas POV or Christa POV?


Re: ALSO iamthepasserby January 14 2013, 21:39:07 UTC
Cas! :D


pizzapixie January 14 2013, 22:58:56 UTC
Lord, lord. Are you killing Sam? You are, aren't you. No you wouldn't do that, would you? Jesus, you're killing me, that's for sure.
Poor Cas, looking for a heart for Sam. And Kylie! Not crying in hysteria from all the grown-ups rampant emotions but begging to go with her Sammy.
yes, I kind of like this "Heartverse". Maybe a little.


shangrilada January 14 2013, 23:03:17 UTC
nah, he gets a heart, never fear.


(The comment has been removed)

heartverse January 17 2013, 18:09:45 UTC
I'm so glad to know you're reading these :) And so flattered!


heartverse January 17 2013, 20:21:07 UTC
i will totally write the paper cut story. it isn't actually, like, a story, it was just an anecdote i threw it, but i will totally write it.


familybizness January 17 2013, 20:32:29 UTC
I think you should.


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