[The Captain has been in a foul mood since after Valentine's Day. Special Bear is sitting in the corner of his room and he has yet to get rid of that terrible toy. It's a good reminder of why he hates this town so much.
Also, he's tired of explaining his name to everyone in this town. So it's time to change things. Picking up the phone.]
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☠☠☠☠ you too.
[Trying to slam down the phone, he just knocks it right back off the hook and it hangs there.
He turns away from it, ☠☠☠☠ prank calls.]
His bloodied hand is wrapped in his coat and he is stumbling down the middle of the street. Looking for the source of the sound now and muttering about zombies.]
A fair distance behind him, the gaze of a predator glints in anticipation. It has been far too long since Slugger has felt another's negative energy so strongly, so clearly. He's missed it. And what a perfect time and place to become reacquainted with his newly restored capability. He's been idly tracking this man from a distance without announcing his full presence, just to mess with him, but now it's time to get down to business.
Bat drawn, Slugger bends low and launches into high speed on his skates. The Captain will likely hear the noise suddenly gain volume as it's source closes in fast from behind.]
Squinting up the road trying to keep clear vision. The Captain hates everything, and he's pretty sure he is going to hate this.]]
Eyes gleaming, Slugger swings the bat. And in the moment when cold searing pain shoots through his cranium, the Captain will feel more than hear a single dull note of hard metal hitting something slightly more fragile...]
... He is hit. Twisting on his foot and hitting the ground hard after the bat connects. Not even getting out a scream.]
Then a low, long fart is heard.]
[Sign of life or post-sign of life? He decides it's indeterminable, then turns and vanishes into the night before he can gain any witnesses. Of all the fatalities he's caused, yours has been the most hilarious, Captain.]
[ooc] ...XD Result of head trauma (death, unconsciousness, etc.) is up to you; Slugger delivers according to his victims' "needs".
In the comics: "Is he dead?" "Well... he's farting."))
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