Some speculative metaphysics on the Three Souls.

Sep 14, 2007 11:25

I have been revisiting my notions and feelings and assumptions about the three souls, in consideration of what and how I want to teach about them.

I was thinking about the metaphysical process of conception and ensoulment… although “metaphysical” seems like the wrong word here since we’re talking about living things: what would a better term be, “ ( Read more... )

body, feri, triple soul

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Comments 20

meliny September 14 2007, 18:49:34 UTC
Not even a tangent, completely off subject...

I scanned the news but you always seem to know more than they do anyway. Is there new fire news or a new fire? Livermore is dark again, despite forecasts for sun, and my allergies are off the chart.


heartssdesire September 14 2007, 19:00:08 UTC
The Lick fire that was near us is out, so it's not coming from that. Some of the smoke in the Bay Area last week was also coming from the Moonlight fire (cool name, eh?) which is over in Plumas County. That one is at 90% and the remaining smoke plume is actually drifting east over Nevada, you can see it on the satellite photos:

I think we just are getting ordinary clouds from the marine layer because it's unseasonably cool. I dunno about the allergies. I guess there could be remaining smoke in the valley that isn't enough to be visible, but is enough for you to feel.

Also, particulates like smoke can attract water vapor and make more clouds, even if there is not enough of the smoke to be visible. Could be part of it.


meliny September 14 2007, 19:06:13 UTC
Thanks for the info. Sometimes I react to small grass fires that don't even make the news, too.


jonathankorman September 14 2007, 19:33:42 UTC
Once again, I see congruence between things you are thinking and other traditions.

Kabbalists typically translate nephesh, the equivalent of Fetch, as “animal soul” and assert that animals have this-but don't have ruach, equivalent to the Talker of Feri. Interesting, some Kabbalist sources assert that the neshema, the Godsoul, is something that is created through spiritual practice ( ... )


heartssdesire September 14 2007, 21:56:03 UTC
Kabbalists typically translate nephesh, the equivalent of Fetch, as “animal soul” and assert that animals have this-but don't have ruach, equivalent to the Talker of Feri.

Well, that would be not be surprising in a tradition steeped in Abrahamic religion, eh? The belief that humans are special and separate from the rest of creation, by virtue of having some form of soul that base animals lack. It was asserted all over again in medieval Christianity. I don't claim to have any certainty about the metaphysics of this, but I will say this: Whatever it is that endows us with language, culture and cognition, is unique to humanity only in degree - not categorically. I don't see how one could assert that humans have a Talker, but bonobos or ravens don't have any ( ... )


jonathankorman September 14 2007, 23:44:46 UTC
Yeah the “uniqueness” of the human Talker is a very tough philosophical problem. It's hard not to feel that there is something qualitatively different about humans, and to presume that this something is located in the Talker. But in the face of the natural sciences, it's very hard to pin down what that is: every time we think we've got it identified-tool use, language, creativity-we discover an example of animals doing it ... which then gets us thinking about new human distinctions. And Ray Kurtzweil observes that those same distinctions break down every time we program a computer to do something we once thought of as uniquely human. (Can computers have Godsouls? Kurtzweill seems to think so.)

Transpersonal psychology folks like Ken Wilber like to talk about spiritual enlightenment as being psychological developmental stages that most people just never get to. You might want to have a word with Thorn about the Godsoul being created through practice; it's a supposition she's been chewing on for a while.

the identity of this star, the ( ... )


heartssdesire September 17 2007, 21:00:31 UTC
(Can computers have Godsouls? Kurtzweill seems to think so.)

Well, call me a Luddite. The picture painted by authors like that is what I would call dystopia. And escapism. I am, I'm afraid, not at all curious whether computers can have Godsouls. In any case, it seems like a moot point since regardless of how much intelligence we might be able to put in them, we can't cause life force to arise there.

(Hey. Is there a Feri word for dharma? There ought to be!)

You're right! There ought to be. I shall have to investigate.

If you look at stuff like pathworking or discursive meditation (e.g., stare at this tarot card 'till you go loopy), you can argue that it's All In Your Head, but when these techniques succeed the results strongly suggest that you're getting information from an experience Out There. Would you call that “travel”? It seems analogous to information that you can get from “travel” that we just attributed to Fetch ...No, I don't think I'd call that soul travel. What you describe seems more a meditative delving into a ( ... )


invicti_solis September 14 2007, 23:55:56 UTC
I tend to experience Deep Self/Godsoul as a sort of "field of unity" that we're all sharing in. "God is self, Self is God, and God is a person like my self."

I've come to regard Deep Self (the name I prefer, because the deepest part of our Self is everything including the self. We are, in essence, everything. Talker is just the "I" of everything speaking through us...kindasorta. *All* of us is God) as one in the same with the Blue God -- but I'm not sure if Vanthe works it that way... *shrug ( ... )


heartssdesire September 17 2007, 21:14:00 UTC
I've come to regard Deep Self ... as one in the same with the Blue God -- but I'm not sure if Vanthe works it that way...

Nope, we didn't "do" the Blue God. Crazy, I know. They passed on some of the lore to me, in the context of "Here is some stuff that Victor and/or Gabriel got into later on and we're giving it to you because it's getting passed around as part of the tradition so you might as well have some idea what it is." It was lore that came into Vanthe "sidways", I guess you might say: not passed down via the initiatory lineage, but shared by other initiates. So no... equating Deep Self/Godsoul with the Blue God is definitely not in my experience! Not arguing with the idea, just answering your implied question. :)

I've been using Earth for Fetch, Moon for Talker, and Sun/Star for Godself. I can see those you described working really well too though.


cor_cordivm September 15 2007, 05:09:19 UTC
Caveat: my experiences with Feri practice are limited to currently working through Thorn Coyle's book; and my knowledge of Norse soul-lore is in the neophyte stage.

That said, I'm no longer sure that the (Sticky One) Fetch corresponds to the (fylgia) Fetch. The fylgia can be inherited (even loaned out!), and it seems to have a fair amount of independence and agency. I'm starting to think it may be more like the God Soul.

But like I said, I'm quite new to all this . . .


starfrosting October 5 2007, 13:54:25 UTC
I'm at work right now so I can't take the proper time to respond, but it was wonderful to read yr thoughts on the triple soul. Would it be alright if I added you to my friends' list so I can read more?


heartssdesire October 5 2007, 16:29:14 UTC
Sure, I don't mind.


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