Title: Full Circle Author: Mary (stillxmyxheart) Beta: Lindsay (rowofstars) Rating: G Genre: Fluff, Friendship, Romance Word Count: 1,730 Characters/Pairings: Jackie, Rose, mentions of Eli and Hannah (Jackie/Rose)
"Okay," Jackie says, staring at his reflection. "Okay, breathe. It's just a date." The furrow between his eyebrows deepens. "Yeah, a date with a woman you really, really like. An actual date with Rose. Shit."
Jackie you hang out just the two of you doing cute date shit all the time nothing has changed
Normally, Jackie asks Hannah for advice, but when it came to the prospect of a real date, maybe even an actual relationship, he wanted to talk to Eli. Jackie knew how happy Hannah was with Eli, and how well Eli treated her and how much he loved her, and Jackie figured that if anybody could give him relationship advice, it was definitely Eli.
"I'm probably the weirdest person alive for actually wanting to eat carnival food on a date," Rose says as they settle at a table. "But like, the minute you said we were coming here, my mouth practically started watering just thinking about it. I think they lace it with crack or something."
Wait, hang on," Jackie says, standing again and pulling off his plaid shirt
( ... )
Jackie you hang out just the two of you doing cute date shit all the time nothing has changed Yes, but now there's the possibility for hand holding and kissing and stuff
u tried jackie Hey, at least he went for the second kiss XD
Comments 4
Jackie you hang out just the two of you doing cute date shit all the time nothing has changed
Normally, Jackie asks Hannah for advice, but when it came to the prospect of a real date, maybe even an actual relationship, he wanted to talk to Eli. Jackie knew how happy Hannah was with Eli, and how well Eli treated her and how much he loved her, and Jackie figured that if anybody could give him relationship advice, it was definitely Eli.
"I'm probably the weirdest person alive for actually wanting to eat carnival food on a date," Rose says as they settle at a table. "But like, the minute you said we were coming here, my mouth practically started watering just thinking about it. I think they lace it with crack or something."
Wait, hang on," Jackie says, standing again and pulling off his plaid shirt ( ... )
Yes, but now there's the possibility for hand holding and kissing and stuff
u tried jackie
Hey, at least he went for the second kiss XD
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