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Comments 54

truesunn June 10 2008, 03:48:58 UTC
Hahahahah what a bunch of hams those guys are! I enjoy these pics you post, look at you, you're a star by association heheh :)


hearts_stars_xo August 6 2008, 04:46:18 UTC
lol they are dorks and i love them even more for it

haha thanks :]


onionsarelife June 10 2008, 04:13:19 UTC
that is the greatest picture i've ever seen. nobody looks normal! its GREAT!


hearts_stars_xo August 6 2008, 04:46:48 UTC
lol they are dorks and i love them even more for it!

haha thanks :]


lfg1986 June 10 2008, 04:25:37 UTC
NO FUCKING WAY!! I'm TOTALLY asking Jared to "pretend strip" at EyeCon! That is the BEST IDEA EVER!!! *applauds you*


hearts_stars_xo August 6 2008, 04:47:30 UTC
lol yes i went there ;]. i still cant believe those words actually came out of my mouth!

haha thanks :]


cutiecay22 June 10 2008, 05:30:43 UTC
LOL! This is great! I love Chad and I just want to smoosh Gabe he is so cute! Jared's face is priceless, love it :)


hearts_stars_xo August 6 2008, 04:48:01 UTC
thanks :]

Chad is awesome, i wanna squish Gabe and Jared is just amazing!


malevolent73 June 10 2008, 05:31:31 UTC
Oh. My. Gawd. Best friggin picture EVER!!! You are so awesome for thinking of it and they are so awesome for doing it! It's perfect! I am happy for you just looking at it. That must have been the beste xperience ver and to have it captured for eternity is so cool. *high fives*


hearts_stars_xo August 6 2008, 04:48:34 UTC
lol thanks :]

yeah it was pretty amazing!


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