Title: A Frog’s Kiss. Team: Werewolf. Challenge: Fairytales. Rating: G. Character(s)/Pairing(s): Jacob/Rosalie. Warnings: None. Author Notes: Couldn’t resist once the idea stuck me. Drabble #6. Written for the challenge at twilight100.
Its sorta weird, but then... I like Leah/Seth for the series. Plus weird is like normal in fanfiction, I think.
I actually just became a Jake/Rosalie fan because of Breakin Dawn... I was pretty much all for the canon couples and then I read a Jasper/Bella fic & I fell in love with other ships.
Comments 5
I actually just became a Jake/Rosalie fan because of Breakin Dawn... I was pretty much all for the canon couples and then I read a Jasper/Bella fic & I fell in love with other ships.
Awesome icon btw XD.
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