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Comments 138

callsmered December 21 2014, 02:05:39 UTC
At first Red had been both terrified and sad that Kili's name no longer appeared in the directory. She'd left the shop and ran to their room but she skidded to a stop when she'd seen that his belongings had remained. That had to mean that he was coming back, right? Except it had been a few days and still no Kili. She was beginning to think the village just hadn't taken his things until she was on her way back to the hotel and saw him in the park.

Red began to run toward him but pulled up quick just in case it was someone that looked exactly like him. She even had someone in the village that looked just like her. She knew it could happen.



kiliofdurin December 21 2014, 02:09:20 UTC
For a moment, he just stared at her, still lost in his thoughts of Erebor. She wasn't Tauriel, she was ...

"Red," he whispered and felt something crumble in his chest. He dropped his sword and started toward her at a run.


callsmered December 22 2014, 18:05:22 UTC
When Kili began to run she knew it was him and she closed the distance between them easily. "You're back." She might have stated the obvious but it was breathed out as a relief.


kiliofdurin December 22 2014, 20:20:06 UTC
As he clambered into her, Kili threw his arms around her and held on tight, not even taking the moment of salacious pleasure at being pressed to her chest. He was just so glad to see her.

He couldn't hold back, then, the sobbing that came forth, as the grief of his losses crashed over him.


glaurnaneth December 21 2014, 07:05:27 UTC
Overhead, the golden Dragon flew past. The scent of hot iron - blood - drew her attention and she turned to fly much closer to the ground on a return path. Unlike the dragons of his acquaintance, she has four legs plus her wings, and everything shines as if she herself was crafted of pure gold.

Her wings spread the span of a football field to support her body of the same length.


kiliofdurin December 21 2014, 16:20:20 UTC
Feeling a dread and resignation that weighed heavily in his belly, Kili raised his sword. Here. A dragon?!


All of his muscles ached and he held his sword aloft, shouting out, "NO!"


glaurnaneth December 21 2014, 16:55:23 UTC
The Dragon lands between the Dwarf and the Hotel, curling her wings over her back. Twisting her sinuous neck as she looks at Kili from many angles, she disregards his hostility (for now).

In a basso profundo voice that nevertheless comes across as female, Glaurnaneth remarks in a dispassionate tone, "You are injured."


kiliofdurin December 21 2014, 16:57:57 UTC
"And yet, I will protect the village from you, firedrake!"

He had seen too much, experienced too much. Widening his stance so that he could swing, Kili scowled.


milestogo_730 December 25 2014, 14:41:08 UTC
"Ki-wee!" Little Ed didn't notice the blood, he just noticed it was his friend! The four year old was getting bigger, just a bit taller, his mother was having trouble keeping clothes on him. Still, though, he was shorter than Kili.

His arms wrapped around his waist, hugging tight.

Faith was currently giving chase and slowed when she saw who Ed had caught, at first she smiled, but then it faltered when she caught sight of the blood. "Kili-" she started, "Shit, what happened?"


Merry Christmas! kiliofdurin December 25 2014, 16:35:47 UTC
"Ah, Ed," Kili said, heart feeling so warmed at the boy's touch, though he did move so that the boy didn't have to deal with the blood. He felt his eyes sting again as he looked at Faith - so pretty and so strong. He really was back, wasn't he?

"It's over," he said quietly. All of it. His life.


Merry X-mas! :D milestogo_730 December 26 2014, 00:54:29 UTC
Faith's brow furrowed at that explanation. What was over? She didn't ask. She wasn't sure if it was an answer she wanted to hear.

She nodded though, she'd seen enough grief, enough faces after battles full of loss, that she didn't need all the details to know the gist of it.

"Yeah, well, you look like you got ran over by a car, eaten by a bear who then shit you out... no offense."


kiliofdurin December 26 2014, 00:59:04 UTC
It was enough to startle a laugh out of Kili. "None taken," he said quietly. Unaware of it himself, he seemed older, stronger, perhaps a bit wiser. "... wait," he realized with a shock. "How is your daughter, Faith? She is well?"


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