Time to Party Your Face Off - OTA, Gathering Style

Jun 15, 2013 19:41

So it was well past his birthday, but, as he kept reminding himself, he was Draco Bloody Malfoy, and he could do whatever struck his fancy. That he was a victim of mood swings was no secret. The wizard hadn't felt like having a party on his birthday, but now he did. Deal with it, friends. And so, with the 'fuck it, let's do this right,' attitude, ( Read more... )

draco malfoy, sauron/annatar, paris of troy, felecia jollygoodfellow, frank n furter, hidden frank's

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Comments 311

OTA, tag Draco parisprincetroy June 16 2013, 06:09:33 UTC
Paris heard about the party and decided to go, as he should really get out of his room more often. Besides, it was a Saturday night and mostly he spent them alone watching black and white movies on the television.

No, it was time to go out and what was the word? Mingle--but first he had to stop by the store and get something--a present for the guest of honor.

At first he did not recognize Draco, but smiled when he did. "Hello again." Paris approached him. "I hear it is customary to give a gift?" He handed Draco a small box. "I wasn't sure what to get you? I hope this will suffice?" These customs were a little foreign to him, but the prince of Troy was trying his best to fit in.


Re: OTA, tag Draco black_nimbus01 June 16 2013, 06:35:07 UTC
Draco grinned at Paris and accepted the gift with a flourish. "Is it the sort I shouldn't hold to my ear and shake?" he asked. "Kidding. Sort of. Welcome! It's nice to see you in such a...modern setting."


Re: OTA, tag Draco parisprincetroy June 16 2013, 06:47:38 UTC
"You can try and shake it, but it might damage it a little." Paris replied. "I saw it and it reminded me of you."

"I do like a good party." Paris grinned enjoying his drink, a rum and a coke. "Besides its good to experience new things. This music for example, love it."



Re: OTA, tag Draco black_nimbus01 June 16 2013, 07:09:44 UTC
Draco deftly opened the package, and smiled when he saw the dragon on the watch. "Well done, Paris. Approved."

The party was going very well in Draco's opinion, and definitely qualified as a good one.

"Excellent! I'm glad. Music is a very important element to any party."


OTA, Also tag Draco treesarehome June 17 2013, 00:33:17 UTC
Johanna didn't ordinarily like parties -- they reminded her too much of the Capitol -- but this? Was different. She was there because she was a guest, not because she was a Victor. This had nothing to do with her and everything to do with a man she'd come to rather like as a person -- and she didn't like a whole lot of people.

And she knew she was attractive, so of course she wore something to show that off -- a dress with a cluster of roses at the front and a neckline that did utterly fantastic things to her already more than decent cleavage.

Johanna was feeling the slightest bit predatory. This was probably not a good thing, though damn it she was going to have fun for once.


Re: OTA, Also tag Draco black_nimbus01 June 17 2013, 01:53:37 UTC
"Ah! My favorite assistant!" Draco exclaimed as he found her. "Glad you're here - there is entirely too much alcohol left in this place. And unmolested people. Work on that, would you?"


Re: OTA, Also tag Draco treesarehome June 17 2013, 10:00:21 UTC
"Which one, consuming the alcohol or molesting the people?" Johanna joked. "Either way, I can totally make it happen. I can even make both happen. Because I'm just that damn awesome."

She gave Draco an appraising look. "Though you're obviously more awesome than I am tonight," she said. "And a good deal of fantastic, too."


Re: OTA, Also tag Draco black_nimbus01 June 17 2013, 15:22:28 UTC
"Definitely both," he said, nodding with mock seriousness.

The compliment made him grin again. "Not so bad yourself, hot tits."

And there was the alcohol talking.


Late but OTA, tag Draco if he likes annatar_s June 17 2013, 04:33:37 UTC
Annatar simply had to come to Draco's party. He'd already given his friend a gift* on his actual birthday, so he didn't have that encumbrance. This was simply support.

And entertainment.

*He gave Draco something, you know.


Re: Late but OTA, tag Draco if he likes black_nimbus01 June 17 2013, 05:17:12 UTC
Draco was in rare form tonight, so the entertainment was certainly there - normally, he was calm and collected, but like a shaken bottle of champagne with the cork popped, the overflow had to go somewhere. The party was just the glass.

The wizard had hardly strayed from the dance floor, lost in the sea of moving people and enjoying losing his voice while singing along and dancing with the music like he only did when he was alone. Something about this sort of loud music combined with the lights and heat of the other bodies and just closing your eyes and actually letting yourself feel things worked better than the alcohol as catharsis. It was a very...human demonstration of letting go.

Of course such things tended to lead to dehydration, which was why Draco loved his own cleverness in putting more than one bar in the club. He spotted the hard to miss Elf on a drink run and actually laughed.

"And here I thought this would be much too loud for your ears."


Re: Late but OTA, tag Draco if he likes annatar_s June 17 2013, 05:23:46 UTC
"It is." Draco was somewhat inebriated, which could be entertainment all its own. Either that, or it could be very bad.

"So you're saying it would not have offended you if I did not come to your party?"


Re: Late but OTA, tag Draco if he likes black_nimbus01 June 17 2013, 05:29:28 UTC
"Not really," he answered with a shrug, and adjusted the tiara Robert had given him. "This is a total surprise, actually."


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