That's what friends are for (closed to George - And ANNIE! [arrival!])

Feb 02, 2013 15:34

Really, Mitchell wasn't that surprised that Hermione had a boyfriend. She was Hermione (and didn't she marry Ron? He couldn't remember). But after exchanging messages, he headed to the Black Sheep, he ordered shots and beer, settling into a booth. Poor George. He had shite luck with women (except Nina of course. Whom Mitchell wouldn't bring up).

arrival, john mitchell, the black sheep

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Comments 76

timeothemonth February 2 2013, 21:38:44 UTC
George walked in the pub with a long face, searching for Mitchell and once he found him, he plopped on the seat next to him.

"Ah, just what I needed."

He tossed the shot and then chased it with beer. "And how was your day?"


chosethem February 2 2013, 21:42:23 UTC
"I didn't get my heart broken by Hermione," Mitchell noted, clacking a mug against George's. "Who's she dating, anyway?"


timeothemonth February 2 2013, 21:44:50 UTC
"I didn't ask her that! Why would I ask her that?" George's voice rose a pitch.

Then he sighed, "It doesn't matter. I really shouldn't be looking at anyone when I have Nina waiting for me with the baby..."

Another shot. Another chaser.


chosethem February 2 2013, 21:50:48 UTC
Mitchell squeezed George's hand, but he didn't say more, downing a shot himself, smacking his glass against the table as the liquor burned its way down.

"So," he said. "What's the news?"


needmoretea February 2 2013, 23:13:17 UTC

This couldn't be happening. That voice couldn't be coming through the radio, taunting Annie and egging Saul on-- he couldn't be trying to drag her toward the Door as she fought him with everything she could muster-- it wasn't her Door-- she bit Saul and managed to get loose, though she was still trapped.

Then, George was pounding on the room door, he and Annie both trying to get it open with no luck, and Saul managed to peel her away, hauling her toward the Door-- Annie screamed for George--

--and stumbled backward as she found herself on a pavement, in what appeared to be a village. Catching her breath, she looked around uncertainly. This wasn't death; she'd seen that before. There was no corridor, no men with sticks and ropes, nothing like that. Just... a street.

What had just happened?


chosethem February 2 2013, 23:18:58 UTC
Just as Mitchell had been about to tell George that they didn't really make fun of his ears all that much, it felt like he was punched in the gut. Hard. He nearly broke his beer mug.

That could only mean one thing. His eyes blew wide and he started getting up from the booth, already pulling at George.

(ooc: order George/Annie/Mitchell)


timeothemonth February 2 2013, 23:21:50 UTC
George felt it at the same time although not as intensely as Mitchell did.

They looked at each other then they were out the door and running down the street.

"Annie! Mitchell -- it's Annie." Where was she?!


needmoretea February 2 2013, 23:26:51 UTC
A sudden, familiar sensation came over Annie. Tentatively, she turned around and started toward an intersection at the end of the street.

"George?" she called again, no longer panicked but definitely uneasy. Maybe whatever had brought her out of the hospital room had also brought him?


needmoretea February 5 2013, 04:20:39 UTC
It was a little odd hearing that she was missed, considering Annie had seen Mitchell mere hours before and George not even minutes before; still, she was hardly going to complain, and was hugely glad to see them here.

At George's instruction, she went over to the desk and gave a friendly smile to the young man sitting there. "Hi. Sorry if this sounds completely mental, but is there any chance you've got a room for an Annie Sawyer?"

"Let me see," he replied, consulting his computer. "Annie... yeah, right here. 235." Reaching under the desk, he produced a key and a smile. "Is there anything else I can help with?"

Surprised, Annie accepted the key. "No... thanks," she belatedly said, going back over to her friends. This was real, wasn't it? Maybe not the famous people, but they were here and it was real. "He says I'm in 235," she told Mitchell and George.


chosethem February 5 2013, 11:47:12 UTC
There was a moment's pause as Mitchell put it together then he laughed aloud again. "That's our room!" Had it expanded again?!


timeothemonth February 5 2013, 14:47:34 UTC
"We'll, that's a relief." George said with a grin. "We wouldn't want you haunting other people in the hotel now would we?" A tease. George's face showed just how thrilled he was that Annie shared a room with them.

"Let's go. It's this way." To the stairs and not the lifts.


needmoretea February 6 2013, 05:11:23 UTC
Annie grinned, feeling the relief George mentioned. It would be both easier for her to adjust to this place, and keep an eye on her friends, if she was in with them instead of in her own room.

"I've only haunted someone who deserved it," she protested, teasing right back. "Though, in a place this size, I'm sure there's someone else who's got it coming..." It really was a massive building, and much fancier than what she was typically used to. Or, had been used to, when she'd had reason to stay in a hotel, but that'd been awhile.

She gladly fell into step as they headed toward the stairs, curious as to what their room was like. And if it needed a kettle; they hadn't actually said when she asked.


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