No sating this appetite (OTA)

Jan 18, 2012 06:43

Rosalie sat at a table in the The Black Sheep, looking down at the menu. It was a torturous thing to do to herself, since she wasn't going to order anything anyway. Sometimes, waves of wanting desperately to go back to being human washed over her at full force, and today had been one of those days. She'd fed in the woods from a deer, and it hadn't ( Read more... )

forest, the black sheep

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Comments 15

totouchandshow January 18 2012, 12:59:22 UTC
Renesmee had been out in the forest doing some extra training routines. Now that she was living with two little ones, she wanted to show that she could really be an asset in keeping them safe. Keeping them safe from what she wasn't sure exactly, but she would keep them safe and she wouldn't let Sonya or this new extension of her family down in any way.

She wasn't surprised to smell and then hear Aunt Rose. After all, she needed to hunt sometimes, too -- and probably should soon. She wasn't sure if she should intrude on her favorite Aunt's meal, and so she waited until she heard the faint sounds of Rosalie cleaning up after her hunt.

When she was almost positive that she wasn't going to intrude on anything, she started making her way in that direction, letting Rose know that it was her that was approaching.


rosy_hale January 19 2012, 04:00:57 UTC
Rosalie had just pushed deer's body down into a crevice between a large, split boulder when she heard Renesemee call out.

Drinking from the deer had been messier than hunting usually was for her, and she licked a final smudge of blood from her bottom lip, wiping away at her face with her sleeve before turning to her niece with a smile.

"Hi, sweetheart." She moved toward her, giving her body a few quick glances before settling in to look at her face. "Have you been out hunting too?"


totouchandshow January 21 2012, 11:19:04 UTC
Renesmee shook her head. "Not yet, though I probably should be -- at least soon. I was mostly just out wandering and doing a little extra training. With so many people seeming to come and go, I don't ever want to be caught off guard by anything."


rosy_hale January 26 2012, 09:14:03 UTC
Rosalie's features settled in on an approving look as she gave a small, slow nod. "That's very wise. Anything can happen here." She wasn't trying to elicit worry or fear, but it was the truth: there were many, unique sorts of dangers and obstacles that rolled through the village at random times.

"Did you plan to hunt alone?" Even if she'd just eaten, that didn't mean she couldn't accompany Renesmee on tracking and taking down prey. She wasn't much in the mood to eat anymore herself right then anyway.


barbiewithfangs January 18 2012, 14:37:14 UTC
Caroline had been here a few days and had accustomed to things fairly well. There were still plenty of things to get used to and she'd be lying if she said she didn't miss her mom (and even Tyler), but she was trying to adapt to her new situation. She'd enrolled in school and she was going to work at Fangtasia (again?), so it wasn't all that bad. Plus, today, she was shopping, so a shopping Caroline was definitely a happy Caroline.

She was making her way down the street when she passed by a blonde who looked a little like she'd felt just before she'd arrived here. Normally Caroline wouldn't have looked twice, but there was something about this girl. Caroline saw herself in her for some reason and she wanted to help. Maybe she was feeling charitable or something, she wasn't sure. But she still found herself walking into The Black Sheep and sitting down at the table across from the blonde.

"You look like you could use some retail therapy."


rosy_hale January 19 2012, 04:45:32 UTC
Rosalie's unsettled expression naturally smoothed into something more polite when a girl she didn't know sat down at her table. She gave a very slight smile. "It does feel like one of those days where that might be awfully beneficial."

She'd come to accept that any vampire not from her world would smell interesting, but sometimes wouldn't look as strikingly obvious as the ones from hers did.

Pushing the menu away a bit, she offered a hand, despite knowing the hardness and temperature of her skin would probably be a little startling. "I'm Rosalie."


barbiewithfangs January 19 2012, 18:56:40 UTC
"Then we're both on the same page." Caroline flashed her bright smile, even if it didn't reach her eyes. While shopping always seemed to make her feel better, she was hoping that combined with meeting some new people would take her own unsettled feeling away. The one that had been there ever since her birthday.

Reaching out, Caroline took the offered hand, her brow wrinkling a little in confusion as she felt the cold hardness. "Caroline." She said, introducing herself, before pulling away. That's when she noticed the smallest streak of blood on the arm of Rosalie's sweater and it all made sense to her then. "Vampire?" She questioned with an arch of her brow, signalling to the waiter so she could order some coffee. "I guess we kind of sense our own or whatever."


rosy_hale January 26 2012, 09:17:29 UTC
It was difficult to let anything pass by unnoticed when one was speaking with a vampire, and though Caroline's words gave away that she was having a sort of gloomy day, her heart sank a little at seeing how the other girl's smile missed her eyes. Granted, she wasn't feeling extremely happy either.

Rosalie took Caroline's reaction in, unabashed by it (honestly, she was absolutely no threat to anyone anyway) and gave a few nods in confirmation. "I am, yes. I think a lot of the vampires here tend to stick together too." She did with her own family members, who she was lucky enough to have around, and wasn't opposed to spending time with other non-familial vampires.

"Are you newer to the village, Caroline? I haven't seen you before." Which, was actually saying something because Rosalie kept tabs on a lot of people. She wanted to make sure that certain people didn't show up and needed to assess any potential threats that came in. She had a niece to help protect, after all.


maryofthemoat January 18 2012, 20:57:21 UTC
[[have one sorceress in wolf's clothing, while she's feeding?]]

Ceridwen had been roaming, looking for rabbits to kill and cook later in stew, when she heard something she couldn't quite make sense of. Feeding. But not an animal.

At first she hesitated. Should she go and investigate? It was likely to be a predator... But then she laughed at herself. She was a predator, and a sorceress, besides.

So a white wolf came closer and watched the woman feed. A vampire. But feeding on animals. Interesting.


rosy_hale January 19 2012, 05:22:29 UTC
Rosalie finished feeding with a small snarl that was very unlike her, but she was in a mood. Licking blood from her lips, she started to move to properly dispose of the dead beast. She really wished she had Emmett around to do this part for her.

Picking the deer up, her body now erect, she caught sight of a white wolf and then smelled its unique scent a fraction of a second later. She paused, tensing up as she watched it warily. It wasn't like any werewolf she'd ever seen, but it wasn't any normal, everyday canine either. It was unsettling, but she went on with her work with slightly more haste than she'd of usually used.

If it came after her, she was ready to run. It was difficult, to be perfectly calm when a wolf was around, but she couldn't deny that she felt no serious threat from it.


maryofthemoat January 21 2012, 00:48:51 UTC
After a moment, Ceridwen realized that the reason the vampire woman was acting a little bit strange was because of her. She quickly took her human form again.

"I'm sorry to intrude, I just heard you and was curious... You're a vampire, aren't you? But I've never heard of vampires that feed on deer."


rosy_hale January 26 2012, 09:19:13 UTC
If Rosalie had known it was some sort of shape-shifting, primarily human young woman, she wouldn't have gone as uneasy. She'd turned swiftly at the change, smell of wolf fading into the light breeze, and she tried to let her face shift back into a more polite expression.

"No, it's all right. Please, don't apologize. It may go without saying that I'm not used to being watched while feeding, and my kind aren't exactly fond of wolves...well, the supernatural sort of wolves, anyway." She tended to prefer preying on herbivores, certainly never wolves, and only mountain lions occasionally. Emmett liked grizzly bears, but it wasn't her preference.

"I am a vampire, yes. My family and I don't feed on humans...but, we still need blood to survive." Unfortunately for the animals, that meant that they were destined to die.


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