Making Good on a Bet [tag Rose, ota]

Mar 06, 2011 21:39

Methos sat in the lobby, eying the elevator as he waited for Rose. He was looking forward to seeing the woman again. Although apparently that was becoming something of a theme for him in the village. Meeting interesting women. Bela. Helen. Rose. That was something that seldom happened to him. He was no slouch when it came to women, but he was still ( Read more... )

sauron/annatar, the black sheep

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annatar_s March 7 2011, 10:42:52 UTC
The man did not look particularly... anything. It was the air about him that caught Annatar's eye. A new sort of power always turned his head, in this case towards something he couldn't begin to pinpoint. Old, yes, but not a wizard. He nodded at the man (for want of a better term) and would stop if given incentive. He did seem to be waiting for someone.

6'4" with black hair to his knees. Ears. Velvet tunic in late Renaissance style (more or less) and all that goes with it.


annatar_s March 12 2011, 23:55:04 UTC
"Ah, pardon. Mirdain is the Elvish word that describes what I do, jewelsmith is the closest in the common tongue. Those of Middle-earth understand that an Elven mirdan is not exactly the same as a mortal jewelsmith. Even though the Dwarves do have great gifts, there are things they cannot do regardless of skill."

They did not have the magic in them.


really_oldguy March 13 2011, 02:44:21 UTC
Elvish? Methos quirked a brow, "I see.

"And so that would make you..." Elvish... leads to, "an elf?"


annatar_s March 13 2011, 08:08:56 UTC
"Yes. An Elf of the Noldor, though that distinction will mean nothing. Most people here seem to think that Elves are little creatures of mischief or who make toys for children for a winter holiday. My gifts are not toys." As most saw 'toy'. "Another group of people have creatures known as house elves for slaves. I find this beyond distasteful."

He scowled.

"To hear some mortal child say I am of a race of slaves when we are the firstborn of Middle-earth is laughable. Luckily that one is gone now."


really_oldguy March 13 2011, 15:06:22 UTC
Annatar's obvious displeasure at being called a slave made him chuckle. He himself had been a slave. 34 CE, slave to Roman Senator Valerius Petronius. Only he'd done the stupid thing and said no to Petronius' wife, she cried rape, and then Methos got nailed to a cross. So, they weren't exactly fond memories...

"Perhaps you should look into the Norse Mythologies of Earth. They speak of elves as well, but not as a diminutive race to makes toys or as slaves. They are instead regular hieght, if not taller--" as it seemed Annatar was, "and considered very striking in appearance. They're also a sort of... a semi-divine being with mystical powers. And that at least sounds like something approaching that same as it is in your world."


annatar_s March 14 2011, 01:43:45 UTC
"That does seem more accurate. The only being here I have met of the Norse, as they are called, was a dragon, and she is no longer present." She well might have known but said nothing. "I should study more these things, though they have no effect on the truth of my own world."

How odd that these Norse Elves should be so familiar with all the others as foreign. Certainly the dragon was not like those of Middle-earth.

"I am not so tall as some. Enough so that my feet reach the ground, which seems the most important thing. Nor am I as striking as some, but more so than others. Enough for my own vanity."

Semi-divine did not describe Elves but Maiar.

"We do have magic. Especially those of us who have seen the Trees--Artemis' gift was made to resemble one of them. Those of us who have seen them have a slight glow." Hard to see in daylight.


really_oldguy March 14 2011, 13:13:08 UTC
"The other interesting thing... that caught my attention when you mentioned where you're from. Middle Earth, correct? In Norse Mythology, Earth is called Midgard... which means Middle Earth." Methos looked very intrigued by the whole thing.

"Perhaps I can point you in the direction of the appropriate literature? 'The Prose Edda' by Snorri Sturluson would be a good start. Then 'The Poetic Edda' as well, if you're interested."


annatar_s March 14 2011, 19:13:31 UTC
"Middle-earth is correct." Midgard meant Middle-earth? This had not been mentioned.

"I would like to see it, yes. I did not know they meant the same thing." He paused. "Is that where you come from, the Norse lands?"

Perhaps so, though people seemed to study many different places commonly. It was strange.

"Had I but known the dragon better she might have mentioned some things." Did her mortal friend know? The human hadn't seemed dissembling, but he well could have been. What did that creature know?


really_oldguy March 14 2011, 19:43:07 UTC
Methos shook his head.

"No, that's not where I'm from. But I'm a historian. Languages are my specialty, but I do know a fair bit about the mythologies of many regions including the Norse." he explained.


annatar_s March 16 2011, 04:38:01 UTC
"Interesting. I will seek out books on Norse legends as you suggest, and the specific ones first." He was now very curious.

"I consider this a very fortuitous meeting, Adam. Thank you for the information." All this being genuine... strange.


really_oldguy March 16 2011, 04:45:18 UTC
"You're welcome." Methos smiled and nodded, "I hope you find your search informative."


annatar_s March 16 2011, 04:50:22 UTC
"What little I've heard from you so far is so already. I do not imagine that I will be disappointed." He smiled before turning to go.

Surely nothing good would come of being honest with so many.


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