Jan 29, 2010 20:21
A week had passed since her arrivial in this strange village, the buildings and language familiar but the shops and minor details were all strange to her. It had taken days for her to get accustommed to her room at the inn (no..hotel), but her roommate was very lovely with a frankness that Anna appreciated and her young daughter very sweet, so she found it easy to settle with them.
Still, the woman had a shop to run and the girl had school, both concepts Anna found strange as well as fascinating, especially with the idea that education was now no longer just a privilege given to the wealthy, but now it was actually a requirement. She had heard that the Queen Katherine of Aragon and Queen Anne were both educated, surely they would have appreciated such a law.
It was that morning, after the girl had gone to school, that Anna had bundled up in a cloak and winter hood and made the short walk over to the public library. She was accustomned to only monestaries, kings and maybe weathly lords owning small libraries, but an entire building for the use of anyone to go and read in. It's grandness was also a comfort to her, to be allowed to sit in relative silence to read and gather her thoughts was a much needed balm against the strangeness of the village.
Entering the building, she removed her hood and let herself wander through the aisles. She'd only once let herself become overwhelmed by the selection of books, that it gave her a nervous headache and wasn't something she wanted to repeat. For the moment, she'd focus on one section and one section alone; this wasn't the English court, when she was compelled to grasp English in days, but she was grateful that her tutor taught her to read as well as speak in English.
The reminder made her think that maybe she should search for anything about history (or would it be 'her' England's future), to see just what happens. Surely it would be a better use of time than stories, but somehow she couldn't help the idea that it might be cheating. It didn't help that there were so many books seemingly dedicated to English history, she wasn't sure if she could ever really decide on a title.
ooc: find her in the 'history' section of the library, Despite her shyness, she loves talking to people and could use some help to sort out her thoughts on what to read.