The candy man makes the world taste good (Closed to Legolas)

Sep 20, 2009 10:53

Takes place after this.

The music festival had been fantastic. Not only had Legolas sung something from his home; she'd also met two men that were important to Legolas, Frodo and Sam. She'd enjoyed their company immensely and after only the first few minutes of mentally fangirl squeeing had settled into just seeing them all as the kind men that they were. She'd also enjoyed meeting Legolas' horse and while Willow wasn't a horsewoman, never being on one except for pony rides when she was little, she hadn't been as nervous as she thought.

Their walk around the village from the stables to the marina had also helped to settle the food that she'd eaten. A lot of food, but that was to be expected with festivals as well as spending time with hobbits. She slipped her fingers in Legolas, smiling up at him as they walked away from the beach area. "Not that we need anything more to eat because gah stuffed, but I would like to show you the candy store." She paused, her smile growing ever wider, "and chocolate."
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