Alissa was on her way to the forest when she caught the movement in the shop. It was early and the movement was strange, so she stopped. It was a boy and the boy was trying to fix a stereo. She tilted her head and watched, then decided to step inside. "What's wrong with it?" He seemed to be working rather inefficiently.
"My reboot protocol allows me to reactivate even when my body is terminated, I can execute a restart command for ten minutes to finish my objective. I would know that I was dead." She considered his second question.
"I can sense my base objective has been erased." She said casually, "But I can't retrieve any information describing what it was."
"Without a base objection, there is no reason for my existence." How she felt about that was unclear as she didn't have a say either way, but all machines needed a purpose.
Remembering what Cameron had said, what he'd learned, John said in almost a whisper. "It might be good if you can help to protect me. From anything determined to be a threat."
She nodded. "We cannot access our own passwords. You will have to bypass the security protocols." In other words, John would have to hack into her. Alissa assumed he could.
Oh, yeah. John could. But first he had to find her. Then figure out the protocols, 6-bit, 12-bit, or whatever-bit. Then he had to figure out his way around it.
It was slow going. "Can you feel this? Me doing this?" He asked.
Alissa thought that the word 'feel' was probably the wrong word. "I'm aware of you trying to access my system." She paused. "When my wireless network is more aware, I can here it." Like dial-up almost.
"I can sense my base objective has been erased." She said casually, "But I can't retrieve any information describing what it was."
John had thought that Cameron had said that he could give the command.
"... can I?"
John nodded, pulling his computer over, and opening it up to start the boot process. "You're... wireless?"
His computer was up and running. "Now I ... search for you? As a network?"
It was slow going. "Can you feel this? Me doing this?" He asked.
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