Sign-Ups: 2011

Oct 18, 2010 20:08

Sign-ups begin today, and will remain open until Wednesday, November 3rd, at 11:59pm EST (but if you're late by an hour or two, that's alright).  After that, assignments will be sent out sometime between November 4th and 14th, and your fic or art is due by January 10th.  Posting is set to begin on February 1st.

To sign up, fill out the following form and post it as a comment.  Two people can sign up collaboratively (or once as a pair, once as individuals; if you're sure you can handle it), so check the FAQ if you want more info on that.

Please make sure you've read the rules, or your application will not be accepted.

Is this a collaboration?

Are you over 18?


[Optional] Alternate way to contact you, e.g. IM:

Do you want to write fic, draw fanart, or either/both?

Ratings you're willing to write/draw:

What are your strongest characters/pairings/genres?

What are your weakest characters/pairings/genres?

How do you feel about writing/drawing crack?

Is there anything you WON'T write/draw?

Would you be interested in being a pinch-hitter?

Did you participate in the past?  Do you recall who made your gift(s)?


Do you want to receive fic, fanart, or either one?

3-5 characters or pairings you might like:

Rating(s) you'd prefer to get:

Genre(s) and/or plot(s) you might like:

How do you feel about getting crack?

How do you feel about OCs?

Squicks and/or things you hate:

Brownie points for...

(If you aren't sure whether your request is acceptable, check part 6 in the "Content" section of the rules to see what we allow here at Hearts and Guts.)

To help you answer the questions, a brief explanation of each one:

Is this a collaboration?
If yes, please provide the other person's LJ username.  If they don't have a livejournal, give us the name they wish to be credited with; and if possible, a link to where they can be found online instead of LJ.

Are you over 18? | Email:
If you answered "yes" above, please give a "yes" or "no" for both your ages; and if you can, provide both email addresses.

Alternate way to contact you, e.g. IM:
Sometimes people can't be reached through email, so it helps if you give us another way to contact you.  This could be instant messenger (AIM is preferred), Facebook, Twitter... any place we can easily get a hold of you.

If you'd like to keep this info private, you can provide it by email or PM.  We will never give your contact information to others, and will not use it for anything other than Hearts and Guts-related purposes.

Do you want to write fic, draw fanart, or either/both?
This should be self-explanatory.  "Both" may refer to illustrated fic.

Ratings you're willing to write/draw:
If you prefer not to write or draw smut, for example, you can put "G through R", or "G through PG-13."  Or if you'd rather not be stuck with anything too tame, you could put "PG-13 through NC-17."  If you have no preference, just put "any rating."  Note: you may not do NC-17 if you're under 18.

What are your strongest characters/pairings/genres?
Which characters and/or pairings would you have the easiest time drawing or writing about?  What type of fic or art (gen, fluff, angst... etc.) would be easiest for you?  Put as many or as few as you like.  If it's all the same, just put which you prefer.  You may also put "no preference."

Example:  "My best character is Nathan and my preferred pairing to write is Nathan/Murderface.  My best genre is comedy or smut."

What are your weakest characters/pairings/genres?
Which characters and/or pairings would be most difficult for you?  Which genres, if any, might you have trouble with?  Again, do as many or as few as you like, and if it's all the same, put those you'd prefer to avoid.  You may put "no preference"; but remember, you could get a more difficult assignment that way.

Example:  "I can't really draw Skwisgaar.  I also have trouble with female anatomy, so please no het/gender-bending.  And I'd prefer not to draw anything too fluffy."

How do you feel about writing/drawing crack?
A giftee may ask specifically for crackfic or crack art, or they may submit a crack-worthy request.  We wouldn't want to assign such a request to anybody who's bad at crack, or prefers not to write/draw it.

Is there anything you WON'T write/draw?
Here, put anything you absolutely CAN'T or WON'T do.  Please be specific.  If you just want to avoid all your squicks (listed further on the form), you can put "see squicks."  You may also put "nothing"; but you'll be more likely to get an assignment you may not like.

Would you be interested in being a pinch-hitter?
Pinch-hitters help keep the exchange running smoothly, but they're hard to find on short notice.  That's why we need lots of volunteers!  If you're a fast writer or artist, and you'd like to lend a hand, please sign up to pinch-hit - you can make the mods' lives a heck of a lot easier.

Did you participate in the past?  Do you recall who made your gift(s)?
Eventually, some people are bound to be matched up twice; but we don't want that happening too often.  So if you remember who you've already had as a Secret Valentine, please give us their lj name.


Do you want to receive fic, fanart, or either one?
Should be self-explanatory.

3-5 characters or pairings you might like:
If you put "either one" for the previous question, you may (but don't have to) put 3-5 characters/pairings for art and a different 3-5 for fic.  Remember: crossovers are allowed only in crackfic/art.  And OCs, characters from other fandoms, real people, and very minor characters (ones that have no name and/or defined personality) should never be the sole focus of your request.

If you're asking for something controversial - like fic/art featuring real people, or explicit fic/art of characters under 15 - please be sure to give your Secret Valentine a few other options.

Rating(s) you'd prefer to get:
If you definitely don't want smut, or conversely, if you don't want something too tame, you can indicate that here.  If it's all the same, feel free to say "any rating."  Note: you may not ask for NC-17 if you're under 18.

Genre(s) and/or plot(s) you might like:
Give your Secret Valentine some ideas of what sort of fic or art you'd like to get.  You can keep it simple with something like "fluff" or "angst," or get a little more detailed.  You may also make it specific to a character or pairing.  But unless it's crack, try not to put anything too convoluted that will make your Secret Valentine's head hurt.

Good Example:  "I'd like something happy but not too fluffy, preferably with a bit of humor.  If you do Toki/Skwisgaar, I'd like an established relationship."

Bad Example:  "Please write me something where Nathan becomes president, but through a freak accident loses his memory and thinks he's Skwisgaar's older brother.  And he and Skwisgaar fall in love, so he passes a law saying siblings can get married.  Then Seth tries to force Pickles to marry him by kidnapping Toki... but it turns out Toki is pregnant with Ofdensen's lovechild, because he's secretly a female bodybuilder with a fake mustache."

How do you feel about getting crack?
We don't want anyone getting a crack gift if that's not what they were hoping for.  So please let your Secret Valentine know whether crackfic/art is okay.

How do you feel about OCs?
If you don't want to see original characters featured in any major way, here's your chance to say so.  If you do ask for fic/art featuring an OC, remember two things: 1) OCs can only appear alongside canon characters, and 2) not every writer/artist will know every established original character; so be sure to give them at least two other non-OC options.

Squicks and/or things you hate:
If there's anything you absolutely do NOT want in your gift fic/art, list it here.  This could be a kink (e.g. bloodplay), a character or pairing you really hate... or just about anything.  Put as many or as few as you like, but please be specific.

Brownie points for...
Is there anything you would absolute love to see as part of your gift?  Again, this could be anything: a kink, a certain art style, an inside joke...  Put as many or as few as you like.  Your Secret Valentine will not be obligated to use all (or any) of them; but they'll know that these are things which would make you extra happy.

Example:  "Foodsmut (especially with chocolate), fuzzy mittens, Ofdensen yelling at somebody.  For art, I really like watercolors.  And if you write or draw me Nathan/Toki, I'd love to see Toki in a nurse's outfit."

*official: 2009-2012

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