Art Betas Listing

Aug 31, 2008 13:56


Scroll through the comments to pick out a beta.  Just don't ask anyone under 18 to beta art that is NC-17.

Remember, communication with your beta must be private to avoid revealing your Secret Valentine identity to others; so don't contact them about this publicly, like in their personal journal.


Fill out this profile form (removing anything in italics) and post it as a comment.  Please make sure you've read the rules for betas.

Are you over 18?

Private contact information (e.g. email, IM):

A brief description of your qualifications (strengths, weaknesses, etc.):
(This "qualifications" part is optional.  Feel free to leave it blank.)

Is there anything you can't/won't beta?

This will be a permanent listing of art betas for all future rounds of Hearts and Guts.

If you've signed up in the past but are currently unavailable, please leave a comment with "UNAVAILABLE: ___" as its subject.  Fill in the blank with the upcoming year (or the current year, if it's already January).  If you want to stop being a beta here altogether, simply delete your art beta profile.

*official: permanent, *official: 2009-2012

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