surprises [[closed to James]]

Oct 15, 2011 09:28

As far as Juliet knows, James - this time around - has no idea about the DHARMA van in the village. She's been spending time at the garage cleaning it up, and now that it's presentable, she decides to surprise him. Again. She let it sit when he was gone but she's righted that wrong and drives it up to the hotel, parking out front. She grins at the people who give her strange looks when she goes inside to get him.

Jonah's spending time with Aunt Laura today, so she and James already have the afternoon to themselves. And the weather is perfect for it. Just a few clouds, a breeze, and low seventies.

Grabbing a six pack of beer out of their fridge, a bag of sandwiches she's already made, and finds him in the living room.

"Hey. I have a surprise for you. Come on," she says, barely tamping down a grin.
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