Hush, little Roxas, don't say a word... (Part 2)

Oct 20, 2011 23:26

Title: Baby Roxas.
Author: hexpinteas.
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Comments 13

reynard531 October 22 2011, 02:42:18 UTC
HAHA, this was great! I'm sorry you have to suffer through this, and while it may seem like I'm enjoying your pain, I'm just happy I managed to contribute something to this community that resulted in such a good sporking. I love these character sporks so much.

So they fed Roxas a volcanic rock. But was it truly a volcanic igneous rock or a plutonic igneous rock? *Is trying not to show off the things he got from his current Earth Science class*

I'm surprised that they were surprised that Roxas had IC bits, since he's been the most IC in this thing.

Hang in there, I know you can do it! Here, if you have the willpower, use this Green Lantern ring I have to fight the madness. It's considered one of the most powerful weapons in the universe. Or if you feel yourself too angry, I could give you a Red Lantern ring, but then you'd be spitting red energy plasma out your mouth and turn into a berserker.


anderling October 22 2011, 08:27:49 UTC
It's okay. Sporkers already know lurkers are evil, evil creatures. ;) Dear lord did you pick a winner to contribute to the comm. XD

Yay for showing off what you learned in school. XD
Laccoliths are plutonic, I think. But I'm not sure, we only touched upon that briefly in class and names for terms like that don't translate well between languages.

Well, hey, after a few pages of Mysoginist!Demyx, Stupid!Xigbar and StalkerWithACrush!Axel, it's enough to take anyone by surprise, hence the crew commenting on it only that one time.

...berserker mode sounds so tempting. Wonder if I can use it to track down the author somehow...


reynard531 October 22 2011, 21:52:31 UTC
Maybe not. I mean, Red lantern rings can do everything Green Lantern rings can, and Red Lanterns do search for those that spawned their hatred (I could explain if you have no idea what I am talking about), but I don't know if they'd help you find the author beyond improving your mobility and search capacity.

And just so you know, not only are you a berserker, but the ring replaces your heart, and it can only be removed one way. Oh, and you work for a guy named Atrocitus. Yes, Atrocitus, like atrocity.


anonymous October 22 2011, 10:35:19 UTC
Judging by all the instances of similar-ish words in place of other words I wonder if "laccolites" was the result of asking spell check to correct all.
At a context driven wild stab they might have misspelled "laxative."

*ignoring the other things wrong with the fic for sanity's sake*


anderling October 22 2011, 11:00:03 UTC know, the "laxatives"-autocorrect sounds about right.
However, the idea of volcanic rock sounds funnier, and therefore, we run with that.


anonymous October 23 2011, 04:47:44 UTC
When autocorrect is involved, it should almost always be run with.


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anderling October 22 2011, 21:33:52 UTC
For Christmas, I'm asking for a large order of brain bleach, to purge this... written regurgitation of the English language from my mind.

In order: Going Postal, Hamlet, Citizen Kane, Lord of the Rings, Bambi, Tarzan, the Ember Island Players (you made my day recognising that XD), Vocaloids, A Series of Unfortunate Events (originally Philip Larkin's poem "This Be The Verse", but a certain character uses them as his dying words) and Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core.
TV Tropes = friend. ;)

Worst. Superpower. EVER. XD


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anderling October 23 2011, 14:18:06 UTC
I got that phrase off someone on here. Does your friend have an LJ? XD

Ember Island Players seems to be everyone's favourite episode. An Abridged Series in the series itself, how can you top that? XD

Zack is officially my favourite Final Fantasy character. XD
Not because I actually played any of the games he's in, mind you. A friend of mine and I started a meta-RP a while back. Her Zack instantly glomped onto my Larxene, being the only female around for a while, while Larxene in turn practically pounced Sephiroth. XD


myrrh_darkwing October 23 2011, 15:38:42 UTC
The bit at the end, it was awesome. Zexion and Larxene could totally be friends.

The mice... why does that seem so familiar... hey wait, how do Roxas and Demyx know what to say? They didn't GO on the epic world-hopping trip! Unless it's a reference to something else in which case still kudos.



anderling October 23 2011, 15:57:37 UTC
Zexion can outsource the kill-stuff-then-break-for-lunch to Larxene and Larxene can outsource the paperwork to Zexion. Win-win!

Yes, it's a Renegades reference. XD And Roxas and Demyx know what to say because... Axel told them. Or something. Shh. XD

Larxene is getting a head start on the next chapter. Much violence will ensue.


myrrh_darkwing October 23 2011, 18:05:42 UTC
Yes. Yes. YES~! BWAHAHAHAHAHA! All right, that's now so going in my headcanon, thanks a lot.


Oh, dear... I'd pity him if I didn't like her so much.


tabbi_katt November 4 2011, 19:53:01 UTC
I don't even know what I just read (and am pretty sure I don't want to ever find out) but your spork at least made it bearable. If I list all my favourite parts will that help lessen the pain you had to go through?

Love the idea of Vexen and Marluxia joining forces to avoid this, but not as much as I love sporking!Lex. He needs to be in these more.

Was Demyx's whole cutting off foot thing a reference to Goblet of Fire? It sounded so familar but I haven't read that book in years.

Demyx: “Oh, it's time for tea”?
If I friend you sometime soon, it's probably because of this right here. Daughter of Evil ref FTW!

Lexaeus: There was a special delivery of braincells, common sense and canon, but we just missed it.
Zexion: Damn, and the post office is closed. Now we're going to have to wait until tomorrow for those.
Just their luck, it'll be a holiday.

Axel: It's like normal AkuRoku, but WRONGER.
Zexion: I'm in awe. I didn't know that was remotely possible.I'm with Zexion on this one. That shouldn't BE possible ( ... )


anderling November 4 2011, 20:05:11 UTC
Actually, yeah, that did help a bit. XD ( ... )


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