In Which Halloween! (Part 1)

Oct 20, 2011 12:24

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plotmaster October 23 2011, 05:28:28 UTC
No, it's not that bad, and no, it won't get worse. This, you see, is the only chapter.


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plotmaster October 23 2011, 05:54:19 UTC
You flatter me.


anderling October 23 2011, 13:45:30 UTC
...holy crap, you've been planning out the time travel plot for a year? That's all kinds of amazing. XD

Kairi: So it’s exactly like Twilight, only gender-bent.
Also surprisingly less suckitude, as I'm forced to conclude. The post-apocalyptic thing is a nice touch and this goes way past the Unfortunate Implications that women are weak and useless. For now, anyway.

Riku: Because I somehow skipped a year.
Actually, this one's possible, if implausible. I was born in April '93 and my sister was born in August '94, so between those two months, I actually am two years older (as in, when I was 6, she was 4).
I used to love May to July because I was two years older during that time, which is important when you're six years old.
However, this is giving the fic too much credit. It's much more likely that the author just fails.

Kairi: *glee* Donald and Goofy!
Axel: *pure, abject horror* DONALD AND GOOFY!
...ohgod, I just got that. ARGH. Curse you for reminding me!

Riku: Are you guys still hanging out with Manic, or did you become Planeteers ( ... )


plotmaster October 23 2011, 16:35:29 UTC
...Yes. I have been planning this for a year. This isn't just because I was lazy and forgot to finish my Halloween spork last year and have now found a convenient excuse to continue it. I'm just that good.

Yes, the end-of-the-world-due-to-monsters was an interesting angle, but it was never properly followed through on. As noted above, this was the only chapter posted.

My brother and I work that way in reverse. I was born in August, he in November, so for those glorious few weeks, we're only a year apart.

You're welcome.


anderling October 23 2011, 18:21:53 UTC
Shh. Gift horse. Claim this was totally on purpose and get all the credit for it because you deserve it. XD

Maybe she was going to follow up on it in the next chapter?
Probably not, but let me pretend for a bit. I just took a look at the next chapters of my current torture spork and I need all the faith in fanfic-writers I can find.


myrrh_darkwing October 23 2011, 15:35:58 UTC
Holy bleep on a bleep sandwich with bleep on top... you've been planning this thing for a YEAR? God you're amazing. Also this is hilarious. Very much so. If I make no sense, it's because I haven't slept in three days due to discovering YuGiOh Abridged.

Hey! It's a badfic that actually doesn't suck! Kairi is a CHARACTER. Who, like, has a role and stuff. And is vaguely important and powerful and why the hell does this remind me of Nightshade? I ACTUALLY LIKE THAT BOOK, BLEEP YOU! So yeah.

The bit with Kairi's disembodied head could be a reference to that one Bones crossover badfic... And ACK Donald and Goofy! WHY DO YOU REMIND ME?!


plotmaster October 23 2011, 16:47:18 UTC
I hate to dissapoint, but I actually wasn't planning this for a whole year. You see, last year I had a very ambitious project to spork four fics in rapid succession. I failed. A month ago, however, I realized that I didn't have to start a new Halloween spork, because I was midway through a time travel arc, and that is a liscence to do anything. So yeah.

I don't know, I still think this badfic was bad (though in a 'kid trying to be creative without any knowledge of how writing works' way) and I did discover that it was a bit of an old shame (hence the lack of title or author).

Also, the head picture actually wasn't a reference; it was a grammar joke. The prose, rather than calling Kairi a 'pale redhead' or 'pale, redheaded girl', called her a 'pale red head', meaning that she was a head. That was pale. And red.


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