
Jul 19, 2007 16:26

Ok, here's teh deal ( Read more... )

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Comments 37

amayaxellia July 19 2007, 17:43:37 UTC
Don't listen to them... I mean, you're trying to get in shape! that's so admirable! Why would they try to dissuade you?
Sounds like you're doing everything right! I don't think you're overexercising, but don't do any more than you're doing now.
Maybe your body is telling you you don't have to lose weight... *shrug*
Don't stress too much sis!



heart_music_ July 19 2007, 23:02:09 UTC
Idk why they would do that but I guess they think I'm too strict to my diet but hey, I dont have much time!
well yea, that can be true cause I've always been a bit chubby..never been slim really, but I dont know what to do about the flat stomach then XD
thanx love!
I really appreciate the fact that you took the time to read and answer to this post! thank you very much sis &hearts


amayaxellia July 19 2007, 23:48:12 UTC
Well I understand they worry about you being like, anorexic or something, but you're not doing that at all! You're like, the first person I've met that went on a totally healthy and safe diet! Most people are like "I'M SO FAT SO I'M GOING TO STOP EATING... or something... -_-;;

Yeah, I've been pretty chubby for years... and it's fluctuated a lot, but I think I'm going to try to lose some weight before school starts.... hopefully.

When is the con again? I'm already planning for next year's. xD

I enjoy reading your journal, don't thank me! ^_^



heart_music_ July 20 2007, 04:37:27 UTC
LOL that's true..
eeh~ if I'm not have in any energy in me, how the hell am I gonna be able to exercise? o.O
and plus if you eat some specific food like eggs and fish, they can actually help you loose why not? XD
I love fish...yummmm sushi..yummmm *nods*

yea, I guess it's something genetic >< damn DNA..oh well!
happy exercising hon! XD

it's sep 26th or something...end of september s I've got 4 more months so that's good! ^^
woah, that's great! I haven't prepared my costume yet -.-' I have a hard time finding the jacket so I'll ahve to ask around and see if someone can help swe it or something.

awww~~ thanx!! &hearts ~


neyvaa July 19 2007, 20:01:51 UTC
WEl... uhmm I don't know. but u shouldn't be too strict to your diet plan, that's for sure cause u don't want it to develop into something bad, you know.
But uhm. Abotu the result. I've got no idea. Maybe you're thinking about it too much?
No idea seriously, I've never been on a diet before. But uhm. you're doing this to fit into a special costume?


heart_music_ July 19 2007, 23:09:26 UTC
yea, I control it to the point that I eat healthy and do not starve myself XD
Dont wanna get anorexia or any other eatnig disorders!
maybe I am actually. Maybe it's one of those things like how you suddenly notice how much you've grown taller but cant see that progressing everyday.

Yep! this one ~~>
I'm not worried about the thighs cause she is curvy, I'm worried about the flat stomach XD


neyvaa July 19 2007, 23:24:51 UTC
That's good ^_^
And yeah, maybe that's how it is.
For the flat stomach, you're doing situps?
I used to dance and to get a flat and strong stomache we did lots and lots of small situps. Instead of going all the way up, you just go a little bit up untill you can feel it in your stomache, and then you go down again. Do 8 rakt fram, 4 till höger, 4 tll vänster (du vrider bara som lite grann när du går upp. kan sträcka ut handen åt det håll du ska gå). 8 rakt fram, 4 höger, 4 vänster. 8 rakt fram med benen rakt upp (korsade), 8 rakt fram med benen rakt upp (korsa åt andra hållet). 8 med benen nere (som vanligt), sen åt sidorna igen
tror vi hade nån övningn till men, det här räcker bra. man är helt slut efteråt. ha gärna ganska snabb musik till och gör i takt.


heart_music_ July 20 2007, 04:18:42 UTC
I dance! yaaay~ ok *shuts up*
oh! I'll make sure to try that out! starting today! <(^o^)/
aa kommer att ha massa hård rock och metal till så man ba "AHHHHHH EN TILL~~~" XDD
tack såååå~ mycket för hjälpen! jag uppskattar det verkligen! &hearts


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heart_music_ July 19 2007, 23:12:30 UTC
woah..I'm going to start kickboxing next month! and I thought I would see results fast if I did so but even if I dont, I'm gonna start's so..girlpower!! XD love it &hearts

I'm definitely not starving myself! sometime I feel so bad that I want to skip over dinner or lunch but I end up eating anyways XD
I actually ate chips today after like 3-4 months but then I came home and exercised XD
Thank you so much hon!
really appreciate it &hearts

(mwuhahaha matching avas XD
anything for Massu rabu rabu &hearts)


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heart_music_ July 20 2007, 04:15:53 UTC
LOL &hearts!~

I tried it once just for fun and it really was difficult 0.0
but as I ahve started doing cardio exercises, i feel m,ore active so I think it'll be better once I start seriously ^^
and hey, you're always lame in the beginnin of something!

I can totally understand what you mean! I cant wait to start!! *hears eye of the tiger from somewhere* ftw!? o.o



pinkhairyfairy July 19 2007, 23:38:53 UTC
*random person*


heart_music_ July 20 2007, 04:11:59 UTC
well! are you one of them? *checks your* 8O du är en av oss!!
welcome to the ..undercover! XD

Det flesta je fans bor i stockholm tycker kul! ><
Här ute finns det inga -.-'


pinkhairyfairy July 20 2007, 08:02:02 UTC

Neee det bor inte SÅ många i stockholm, asså om man jämför storlek på städer liksom xD jag vet uhh... 6 stycken so bor här lol lol.

Vart bor du? ^^


heart_music_ July 20 2007, 11:30:44 UTC
MWUHAHAHA~~ it's too late now XDD

ja det kanske stämmer! men du, det e bra att du känner åtminstone 6 jag säger till mina vänner att jag gillar japansk pop så får jag alltid den reaktion ~~> 0.o
yup >< they dont realize the awsomeness XD

Jag bor i jönköping! <(^w^)v


artsycharisma July 20 2007, 14:32:43 UTC
i dont think youre overexercising youself. 2 months is a short period of time. and maybe your body is strengthening your muscles and burning your fat? i'm not sure since im not in this field =S but i think youre doing just fine, hun.
keep it up! you'll see the results soon!


heart_music_ July 20 2007, 20:03:55 UTC
that can be possible too ^^
neither am I hon XDD
thank you!!~~ &hearts
love the encouraging words...aaah~~ I feel so much better now ^^
&hearts ~~

BTW!! you do exercise, dont you? *looks suspiciously* <(=.=)>


artsycharisma July 20 2007, 20:15:35 UTC
i do but not as hardcore as you... i like to take things easily.. although i am trying out yoga soon... :P


heart_music_ July 20 2007, 20:30:36 UTC
hey, atleast you are doing something! that's awsome!! ^^
most of the ppl I know that has done yoga really liked it so I hope that you enjoy it too!


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