So, it seems that we've developed something of a visual vocabulary, images that can be called on as something of a short-hand to evoke parallels between characters and events and ongoing themes to support the narrative of The Show. Season 5 no less than any other season.
Here are a few of my favorite things... )
Comments 25
However, you actually put them together and showed them side by side. You are awesome. Kudos.
You keep fighting the good fight, YL. *g*
Ah! Yes, someday I'll have to go back and rewatch the earlier seasons and see how the imagery evolved. Oh how I suffer for my obsession. ;)
I can't decide. Do you think it's CG or did they find a collapsed bridge somewhere?
I love your thinky brain.
D'awww. Thanks. :D
I've been too busy with the red thing to pay much attention to these other motifs except to note that they're there, so I'm really happy to have some of them parsed for me.
I'll note there's also the fireplaces/demons motif, which I just now figured out because of the last few pics in the exorcism section. I mention this because it really freaked me out when the Sam/Ruby scene in IKWYDLS panned to the fireplace.
I've been looking at how red is used in the show since about "Faith" in season one, and I'd noticed the increase in blue and yellow but hadn't associated it with the angels. There was also a lot of green last season
NOTHING on this show is random. Everything in the background is part of the story. (for instance, the wallpaper in "Sex and Violence.")
What did you make of the "O Death" promo, where everything was black and white except for one highlighted color?
NOTHING on this show is random.
I KNOW!!! Don't you want to corner the Production staff and pick their brains? I sometimes wonder if they surf the net, rubbing their hands together in anticipatory glee, wondering if we've picked up on all the little clues they're dropping our way.
If you're curious about color, you might want to start here: The Supernatural Color Wheel
Hmmm.. I think it was a very effective way of drawing the eye to certain key visual images. The promo was pretty full and the vignettes went by swiftly. So, having color in a field of black and white allowed the viewer to quickly alert to the most relevant visual details to help understand what was going on.
Other than that? Well, they definitely used the blue, red, yellow and green shades that have been part of the ongoing color choices over the years. So, no accident that.
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