Майкл Керн. Мудрость тела. Примечания

Mar 11, 2006 02:55

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Примечания (они же список литературы)


1. В данном контексте термин «биодинамический» был использован доктором остеопатии Роллином Беккером.

2. Эта мысль истречается в индийской культуре, некоторых американских традициях и эзотерическом иудаизме.

Глава 1

1. Dr. Н. Magoun D.O. Osteopathy in the Cranial Field (3rd ed. Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation, 1976): xi.
2. Dr. W.G. Sutherland D.O. Teachings in the Science of Osteopathy (Rudra Press, 1991): 4.
3. Dr. W.G. Sutherland D.O. Contributions of Thought (Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation, 1967); 49.
4. Professor Guiseppe Sperino, Anatomia Uniana, vol. I: 203.
5. Hugh Milne. Heart of Listening (North Atlantic Books, 1995): 54.
6. Emmanuel Swedenborg. The Cerebrum and Its Parts (The Brain Considered Anatomically, Physiologically and Philosophically, vol. I; Swedenborg Scientific Association, 1938): 209.
7. Sutherland. Contributions: 102-3.
8. Dr. A.T. Still. Autobiography of A.T. Still (A.T. Still; reprinted by American Academy of Osteopathy, 1981); 235.
9. Sutherland. Contributions: 102.
10. Sutherland. Science of Osteopathy: 14.
11. Sutherland. Contributions: 142.
12. N.B. Данная концепция существует в традиционных китайской, аюрведической и тибетской системах лечения, а также называется Гиппократом «исцеляющей силой природы».
13. Dr. Harold Magoun D.O. Osteopathy in the Cranial Field (1st ed. Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation, 1951): 15.
14. Sutherland. Contributions: 97.
15. Ibid. 138-39.
16. Dr. John Upledger D.O. Your Inner Physician and You (North Atlantic Books, 1991): 15.
17. Dr John Upledger D.O. “Differences Separate Craniosacral Therapy from Cranial Osteopathy” Massage and Bodywork (Autumn 1995)
18. Sutherland. Science of Osteopathy: 14.
19. Sutherland. Contributions: 143.

Глава 2

1. Rabindranath Tagore. Gitanjali (Macmillan, 1913): 85 (verse 69).
2. Itsuo Tsuda. The Dialogue of Silence, trans. Giorgio Capra (Luni Editrice, 1992).
3. Dr. V.M. Frymann D.O. “A Study of the Rhythmic Motions of the Living Cranium /АОА 70 (May 1971): 928-45. Reprinted in Clinical Cranial Osteopathy, ed. Richard Feely D.O. (The Cranial Academy).
4. Meticien Tettambel D.O., Allen Cicora B.S., and Edna Lay D.O., F.A.A.O. Recording of the Cranial Rhythmic Impulse (Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine); originally published in /АОА 78 (October 1978) 149; reprinted in Clinical Cranial Osteopathy, ed. Richard Feely D.O. (The Cranial Academy).
5. Hugh Milne. The Heart of Listening (North Atlantic Books, 1995): xviii.
6. John E. Upledger and Zvi Karni. Mechanical Electric Patterns during Craniosacral Osteopathic Diagnosis and Treatment /АОА 78 (1979): 782-91.
7. Z. Karni, J. E. Upledger, J. Mizrahi, L. Heller, E. Becker, and T. Najenson. Examination of the Cranial Rhythm in Long-Standing Coma and Chronic Neurological Cases. Craniosacral Therapy, John Upledger and Jon Vredevoogd (Eastland Press, 1983): Appendix B.
8. Milne. Heart of Listening: 4.
9. John M. McPortland D,O., M.S., and Eric A, Mein M.D Entrainment and the Cranial Rhythmic Impulse. Alternative Therapies 3.1 (January 1997).
10. Franklyn Sills M.A., R.C.S.T. Craniosacral Biodynamics (draft version; North Atlantic Books, 2001).
11. Dr. Rollin Becker D.O. Life in Motion (Rudra Press. 1997): 124.
12. Dr. James Jealous D.O. Around the Edges. The Tide (UK Sutherland Society, Spring 1996).
13. Phrase coined by Franklyn Sills M.A., R.C.S.T
14. Anecdote from Colin Perrow R.C.S.T
15. Dr. W.G Sutherland D.O. Contributions of Thought (Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation, 1967): 39.
16. Dr. Rollin Becker D.O. Diagnostic Touch: Its Principles and Application, Part 4: Trauma and
Stress (Academy of Applied Osteopathy Yearbook, vol. 2, 1965).
17. Dr. Michael Shea. Somatic Cranial Work (Shea Educational Group, 1997): 61.
18. Dr. W.G. Sutherland D.O. Teachings in the Science of Osteopathy (Rudra Press, 1991): 14.
19. Sutherland. Contributions: 102.
20. Sutherland. Contributions: 130.
21. Sutherland. Science of Osteopathy: 14.
22. N.B. Некоторые врачи также говорят о спокойном более медленном движении, которое возникает на каждой фазе возвышения каждые 20-25 минут. Это движение возникает и распространяется наружу в пространство до тех пор, пока не возникнет новый «прилив».
23. Callum Coates. Living Energies (Gateway Press, 1996).
24. William Seifriz. Protoplasm of a Slime Mold (film documentary).
25. Genesis 2:7 (King James version).
26. The Buddha, Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra (The Heart of Understanding, trans. Ven. Thich Nhat Hanh/Parallax Press, 1988): I.
27. Sutherland. Science of Osteopathy: 16.
28. Ibid.
29. Dr. James Jealous D.O. Healing and the Natural World (interview by Bonnie Harrigan) Alternative Therapies 3.1 (January 1997).
30. Dr. Rollin Becker D.O. The Stillness of Life (Stillness Press, 2000): 6.
31. Sutherland. Contributions: 203.
32. «Изменение формы» - термин, используемый для определения способности американских шаманов изменять свою форму
33. Dr. David Bohm. In The Holographic Paradigm, ed. Ken Wilber (Shambhala Publications, 1982): 190.
34. Franklyn Sills M.A., R.C.S.T. The Polarity Process (Element Books, 1989): 14.
35. Sills M.A., R.C.S.T. Craniosacral Biodynamics.
36. Ken Wilber. The Holographic Paradigm (Shambhala Publications, 1982): 2.
37. Sills M.A., R.C.S.T. Craniosacral Biodynamics.
38. Ibid.
39. Dr. Karl Pribram. Languages of the Brain (Prentice-Hall 1971).
40. Wither The Holographic Paradigm: 9.
41. Or Mae Wan Ho. Presentation at the “Breath of Life Conference” (London, May 2003).
42. Is It Done with Mirrors? Rhythm and News (Spring 1997); originally published in Brain/Mind, Marilyn Ferguson (Interface Press, 1996).
43. Dr. Ray Gottlieb. Brain/Mind Bulletin 21.6 (March 1996).
44. Grahame Whitehead. Living Water, Positive Health (March 2000).
45. Sills. The Polarity Process: 17.
46. Ibid.
47. Vera Stanley Alder. From the Mundane to the Magnificent (Rider, 1988): 75.
48. Henry Lindlahr M.D. Philosophy of Natural Therapeutics, vol. I (Maidstone Osteopathic
Clinic, 1975): 24.
49. Wilber. The Holographic Paradigm: 3.
50. Jealous. Around the Edges.
51. E. Blechschmidt and R. Gasser. Biokinctics and Biodynamics of Human Differentiation (Charles С Thomas, 1978): xiii.
52. Ibid.
53. Ibid.
54. Sills. Craniosacral Biodynamics.
55. Dr. James Jealous D.O. Healing and the Natural World.
56. Sills. Craniosacral Biodynamics.
57. Jealous. Around the Edges.
58. История, рассказанная Colin Perrow R.C.S.T.
59. Sutherland. Science of Osteopathy: 14.
60. Becker. Life in Motion: 41.

Глава 3

1. Dr. Rollin Becker D.O. Life in Motion (Rudra Press. 1997): 119.
2. Franklyn Sills M.A. R.C.S.T. Craniosacral Biodynamics (draft version; North Atlantic Books, 2001).
3. Ibid.
4. Dr. W.G. Sutherland D.O. Teachings in the Science of Osteopathy (Rudra Press, 1991): 5.
5. Becker. Life in Motion:, 41.
6. John Holte. The Human Brain (3rd ed. Mosby, 1993): 59.
7. R.F. Erlinghauser. The Circulation of Cerebrospinal Fluid through the Connective Tissue System (Academy of Applied Osteopathy Year Book, 1959): 77-87.
8. Dr. AT. Still. Philosophy of Osteopathy (A.T. Still. 1899).
9. Reynold Spector and Conrad Johanson. The Mammalian Choroid Plexus [quoting experiments by Volzhina and Klovosky], Scientific American (November 1989).
10. Ibid.
11. J. Hilton. Rest and Pain (J. B. Lippincott Co., 1950): 25.
12. Dr. H. Magoun D.O. Osteopathy in the Cranial Field (3rd ed. Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation, 1976): 34.
13. Dr. W.G. Sutherland D.O. Contributions of Thought (Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation, 1967): 202.
14. Dr. Rollin Becker D.O. The Stillness of Life (Stillness Press, 2000): 5.
15. Magoun. Cranial Field: 42.
16. Dr. John Upledger D.O. The Brain Is Born (North Atlantic Books, 1996): 333.
17. Dr. John Upledger D.O. and Jon Vredevoogd. Craniosacral Therapy (Eastland Press, 1983): 12.
18. Still. Philosophy of Osteopathy: 39.
19. Sutherland D.O. Science of Osteopathy: 14.
20. Sutherland. Contributions: 243.
21. Magoun. Cranial Field: 25.
22. Dr. Rollin Becker D.O. Life in Motion: 90.
23. Sutherland. Contributions: 140.
24. Dr. Randolph Stone D.O. Polarity Therapy-Complete Collected Works, vol. I (CRCS Publishers, 1986): 30.
25. Sutherland. Contributions: 140.
26. Dr. R. T. Lustig in Cranial Field, Magoun: 26.
27. Burton, from “Anatomy of Melancholy,” in Man: Grand Symbol of the Mysteries (The Philosophical Research Society, 1972): 138.
28. M. Hall. Man: Grand Symbol of the Mysteries: 140-45.
29. Magoun. Cranial Field (1st ed., 1951): 15.
30. См.: L. C. Clark. Discussion of Evidence for the Participation of Serotonin in Menial Processes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. Part 3 (14 March 1957): 668; H. Hyden, Satellite Cells in the Central Nervous System. Scientific American 205 (December 1961): 62; R.O. Becker. Bioelectricity: A New Frontier [report on research at the Veterans Administration Hospital, Syracuse, NY]. Modern Medicine (II November 1963): 64.
31. D. Feinberg and A. Mark. Human Brain Motion and Cerebrospinal Fluid Circulation Demonstrated with MR Velocity Imaging. Radiology 163 (1987): 793-99.
32. A.M. Lassek. The Human Brain (C.C. Thomas, 1957).
33. Upledger. The Brain Is Born: 53.
34. N.B. Ось ротации для сгибания и разгибания центральной нервной системы проходит через два отверстия Монро: каналы, соединяющие латеральные желудочки с третьим желудочком.
35. Sutherland. Contributions: 160.
36. Robert Ornstein and David Sobel. The Healing Brain (Macmillan, 1989): 36.
37. Dr. A.T. Still. Autobiography (Dr. A.T. Still. 1897): 219; quoted in Sutherland, Contributions.
38. Stanley Keleman. Emotional Anatomy (Center Press, 1985): 52.
39. Sills. Craniosacral Biodynamics.
42. Harish Johari. Chakras: Energy Centers of Transformation (Destiny Books, 1987): 21.
41. Sutherland. Contributions: 236.
42. Magoun. Cranial Field (3rd ed., 1976): 30.
43. Sutherland. Contributions: 38.
44. Ibid. 156.
45. Upledger and Vredevoogd. Craniosacral Therapy: 87.
46. N.B. Chi Kung is an ancient Chinese system of exercises to help balance energy flow in the body.
47. Don Cohen D.C. Introduction to Craniosacral Therapy (North Atlantic Books, 1995): 3.
48. Magoun. Cranial Field: 32.
49. Sutherland Contributions of Thought: 138.
50. Ibid.
51. Ibid, 135.
52. Hugh Milne. Heart of Listening (North Atlantic Books, 1995): 8.
53. N.B. Подробные описания первичного дыхания каждой кости можно найти в различных учебниках. Например, см.: Magoun. Osteopathy in the Cranial Field; Sills. Craniosacral Biodynamics vol. I; Upledger and Vredevoogd. Craniosacral Therapy; Milne. The Heart of Listening; Brookes. Lectures on Cranial Osteopathy.
54. Dr. James Jealous. Around the Edges. The Tide (UK Sutherland Society. Spring 1996).
55. Sutherland. Science of Osteopathy: ix.
56. Sutherland. Contributions: 230.
57. Dr. A.T. Still, quoted in Sutherland, Science of Osteopathy.
58. After Franklyn Sills M.A.. R.C.S.T.
59. Sills. Craniosacral Biodynamics.
60. Erlinghauser. The Circulation of Cerebrospinal Fluid.
61. Claire Dolby D.O., R.C.S.T. Connective Tissues (unpublished): I.
62. Erlinghauser. The Circulation of Cerebrospinal Fluid.
63. Still. Philosophy of Osteopathy: 162, 164.
64. Upledger and Vredevoogd. Craniosacral Therapy: 236.
65. H. Frohlich. International Journal of Quantum Chem 2 (1968): 641-49.
66. Dr. Will Wilson R.C.S.T. The Mystery of Craniosacral Therapy. The Fulcrum (Craniosacral Therapy Association, Winter 1998/99).
67. Upledger and Vredevoogd. Craniosacral Therapy: 236.
68. Ibid. 46.
69. Keleman. Emotional Anatomy: 69. Also, see Wilhelm Reich, Character Analysis (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1949).
70. After Paul Vick R.C.S.T.
71. This analogy has been adapted from an original idea by Dr. W.G. Sutherland D.O., author of Contributions: 147; and also Joseph Goodman D.O., N.D.

Глава 4

1. Jelaluddin Rumi, The Essential Rumi, trans. Coleman Barks with John Moyne (Harper Collins, 1995): 15.
2. Dr. A.T. Still. Autobiography of A.T. Still (A.T. Still; reprinted by American Academy of Osteopathy, 1981): 195.
3. Dr. James Jealous D.O. Healing and the Natural World [interview by Bonnie Harrigan] Alternative Therapies 3.1 (January 1997).
4. Borland's Pocket Medical Dictionary (23rd ed. W.B. Saunders, 1982).
5. Still. Autobiography: 282.
6. Dr. Viola Frymann D.O. Collected Papers of Viola Frymann (American Academy of Osteopathy, 1998): 243.
7. Ibid, xx.
8. Still. Autobiography: 32.
9. Ibid, 252.
10. Carter H. Downing D.O. Principles and Practice of Osteopathy (Tamor Pierston, 1981): 18.
11. Charles Bowles D.O., quoted in Dr. Rollin Becker D.O., The Stillness of Life (Stillness Press, 2000): 254.
12. Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. The Ethical Demands for Integration (7 December 1962), and A Testament of Hope, ed. James M. Washington (Harper, 1991): 122.
13. Elizabeth Hayden D.O. Osteopathy for Children (Elizabeth Hayden, Churchdown Osteopaths, 1997): 5.
14. Dr. I.M. Korr. The Biological Basis for the Osteopathic Concept (American Academy of Osteopathy Yearbook, 1960): 130. Reprinted from the Journal of Osteopathy LX1.4 (April 1954).
15. Ven. Sogyal Rinpoche, talk in London (1998).
16. N.B. Доктор Джон Апледжер использовал этот термин для обозначения нашей внутренней мудрости, с которой можно соприкоснуться для получения руководства в процессе лечения: Your Inner Physician and You (North Atlantic Books, 1991): 111.
17. Still. Autobiography: 88.
18. Dr. W.G. Sutherland D.O. Contributions of Thought (Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation.
1967): 114.
19. Henry Lindlahr M.D. Philosophy of Natural Therapeutics, vol. 1 (Maidstone Osteopathic Clinic, 1975): 26.
20. Dr. Rollin Becker D.O. Life in Motion (Rudra Press, 1997): 21.
21. Ibid, 125.
22. Lindlahr. Philosophy: 19.
23. Jealous. Healing and the Natural World.
24. Dr. James Jealous D.O. Around the Edges. The Tide (UK Sutherland Society. Spring 1996). 25. Dianne M. Connelly. All Sickness Is Homesickness (2nd ed. Traditional Acupuncture Institute, 1993): 46.
26. Hugh Milne. The Heart of Listening (North Atlantic Books, 1995): 70, 73.
27. Stephanie Hiller. Stop, Listen, Act (Brainwave/Holistic London Guide. Summer 1999).
28. Surya Das. The Snow Lion's Turquoise Mane, [inscription] (Harper. 1992).
29. Sutherland, quoted by Dr. Rollin Becker in foreword of Teachings in the Science of Osteopathy (Rudra Press, 1991): xii.
30. Franklyn Sills M.A., R.C.S.T Craniosacral Biodynamics (draft version; North Atlantic Books, 2001).

Глава 5

1. Dr. Rollin Becker D.O. Life in Motion (Rudra Press, 1997): 62.
2. Ibid, 178.
3. Mae Wan Ho. The Rainbow and the Worm: The Physics of Organisms (World Scientific Publishing Co., 1993).
4. E. Blechschmidt and R. Gasser. Biokinetics and Biodynamics of Human Differentiation (Charles С. Thomas, 1978).
5. Franklyn Sills M.A., R.C.S.T. Lecture on the Tides (unpublished. June 1998).
6. Katherine Ukleja D.O., R.C.S.T. personal communication.
7. Dr. John Upledger D.O. The Brain Is Born (North Atlantic Books. 1996): 363.
8. Franklyn Sills M.A., R.C.S.T. Craniosacral Biodynamics (draft version; North Atlantic Books, 2001).
9. Ibid.
10. Dr. Rollin Becker D.O. Diagnostic Touch: Its Principles and Application (Academy of Applied Osteopathy Yearbook,. 1963).
11. Sills. Craniosacral Biodynamics.
12. Dr. Michael Shea. Somatic Cranial Work (Shea Educational Group. 1997): 54.
13. Becker. Diagnostic Touch.
14. Ibid.
15. N.B. В работе доктора Уильяма Эмерсона (William Emerson), известного психолога, работающего в области предродовой травмы, содержится много «анекдотических» примеров ответственности клеток с самого начала жизни. Также см. John Rowan. “Major Categories of Early Psychosomatic Traumas” [paper] (1978); Ronald Laing, Facts of Life (Penguin, 1976); Nandor Fodor, In Search of the Beloved (University Books, 1949).
16. Jelaluddin Rumi. Love's Fire, trans. Andrew Harvey (MOTH)..
" Sills. Craniosacral Biodynamics.
18. Gabrielle Roth. Sweat Your Prayers (Jeremy P. Tarcher. 1997): 4.
19. Концепция, разработанная Франклином Силлзом.
20. Dr. W.G. Sutherland D.O. Contributions of Thought (Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation, 1967): 147.
21. Dr. James Jealous D.O. Healing and the Natural World [interview by Bonnie Harrigan], Alternative Therapies 3.1 (January 1997): 68-76.
22. S. Suzuki. Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind (Weatherhill, 1991).
23. Dr. A.T. Still. Philosophy of Osteopathy (A.T. Still. 1899): 39.
24. Ibid.
25. Sutherland. Contributions: 85.
25. Dr. John Upledger D.O. and Jon Vredevoogd. Craniosacral Therapy (Eastland Press, 1983): 260.

Глава 6

1. Lao Tzu, отрывок из Tao Те Ching.
2. Dr. James Jealous D.O. Healing and the Natural World [interview by Bonnie Harrigan]. Alternative Therapies 3.1 (January 1997): 68-76.
3. Jelaluddin Rumi The Essential Rumi, trans. Coleman Barks with John Moyne (Harper Collins, 1995): 261.
4. Wendy Webber. Relationships. London and S.E. Connections 24 (August/November 1999).
5. Franklyn Sills M.A.. R.C.S.T. Craniosacral Biodynamics (draft version; North Atlantic Books, 2001).
6. Ibid.
7. Ibid.
8. Dr. Rollin Becker D.O. Life in Motion (Rudra Press, 1997): 155.
9. Dr. W.G. Sutherland D.O. Contributions of Thought (Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation. 1967): 146.
10. A. Guggenbuhl-Craig. Power in the Helping Professions (Spring Publications, 1971).
11. Strogatz S, Stewart I. Coupled Oscillators and Biological Synchronization. Scientific American 269 (1993): 102-9. Quoted by Leon Chaitow N.D., D.O. “Integrated Medicine. Cranial Influence - becoming a heavy pendulum?” Positive Health Magazine (March 1999).
12. Chaitow. Integrated Medicine. Cranial Influence.
13. Ibid.
14. Instruction from H.H. the 12th Gyalwang Drukpa, head of the Drukpa school of Tibelan Buddhism.
15. Nelson Mandela. Presidential Inaugural Speech (South Africa, 1994).
16. Dr. Rollin Becker D.O. Life in Motion (Rudra Press, 1997): 160.
17. Sills. Craniosacral Biodynamics.
18. Ibid.
19. Диаграмма, основанная на оригинальной идее Геда Самнера (Ged Sumner R.C.S.T.)
20. Hugh Milne. The Heart of Listening (North Atlantic Books, 1995): 132.
21. Don Cohen D.C. An Introduction to Craniosacral Therapy (North Atlantic Books, 1995): 68. 22. Milne. Heart of Listening: 131.
23. Sills. Craniosacral Biodynamics.
24. Dr. John Upledger D.O. Your Inner Physician and You (North Atlantic Books, 1991): 99.
25. Sills. Craniosacral Biodynamics.
26. Эту историю мне рассказал Франклин Силлз.
27. Dr. Rollin Becker D.O. Diagnostic Touch: Its Principles and Application, Part 4: Trauma and Stress (Academy of Applied Osteopathy Yearbook, 1965),
28. S. Suzuki. Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind (Weatherhill, 1991).
29. Dianne M. Connelly. All Sickness Is Homesickness (Traditional Acupuncture Institute. 1993): 98.
30. Dr. H. Magoun D.O. Osteopathy in the Cranial Field (3rd ed. Sutherland Cranial Teaching
Foundation, 1976): 81.
31. Dr. Will Wilson R.C.S.T. The Mystery of Craniosacral Therapy. The Fulcrum (Winter 1998/99).
32. Smithsonian Magazine (July 2000) [Studies at Massachusetts Institute of Technology), quoted by Dr. James Jealous D.O. in The Biodynamics of Osteopathy: The Ignition System 1, 33. Sills. Craniosacral Biodynamics.
34. Becker. Diagnostic Touch, Part I (1963).
35. Hugh Milne. The Heart of Listening: 134.
36. Dr. Rollin Becker D.O. Diagnostic Touch, Part I
37. Dr. John Upledger D.O. Craniosacral Therapy 2, Beyond the Dura (Eastland Press, 1987): 216.
38. Ibid.
39. Becker. Life in Motion: 6.
40. Upledger Craniosacral Therapy 2: 218.
41. Анекдот, рассказанный Франклином Силлзом.
42. Эта история была рассказана Джеком Корнфилдом во время лекции «Путь к сердцу»
(Лондон, Май 1999).
43. W. Heisenberg. Physics and Philosophy: The Revolution in Modern Science (Harper, 1958).
44. Dr. Rollin Becker D.O. Diagnostic Touch: Its Principles and Application, Part 2 (Academy of Applied Osteopathy Yearbook, 1964).
45. Сравнение, сделанное Кэтрин Уклеа (Katherine Ukleja D.O., R.C.S.T.)
46. Термин «биосфера» был употреблён Беккером (Diagnostic Touch, Part 4).
47. Из лекции Кэтрин Уклеа From (Лондон, 1999).
48. Gabrielle Roth. Sweat Your Prayers (Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam, 1998): 29.
49. Анекдот, рассказанный Колином Перроу
50. Sills. Craniosacral Biodynamics.
51. Jealous. Healing and the Natural World.
52. H.H, the 12th Gyalwang Drukpa, “Teachings on the Bardo” (England, 1995). Словом «лама» называют человека, который живёт духовной практикой. (Вообще-то лама - это учитель - H.B.)
53. Magoun. Osteopathy in the Cranial Field: 81.

Глава 7

1. Dr. A.T. Still quoted in Dr. Rollin Becker, Life in Motion (Rudra Press, 1997): 116.
2. Hugh Milne. The Heart of Listening (North Atlantic Books, 1995): 2.
3. Matthew Appleton R.C.S.T. Every Body Tells a Story. South West Connection (Wessex Connections Ltd., April/July 2000).
4. Dr. W.G. Sutherland D.O. quoted in Dr. H. Magoun, Osteopathy in the Cranial Field (3rd ed. Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation, 1976): 99.
5. Michael Burghley. The Heart of the Healer (Asian Publishing, 1987): 19.
6. Dr. A.T. Still. Autobiography of A.T. Still (A.T. Still, 1908; reprinted by American Academy of Osteopathy, 1981): 224.
7. Franklyn Sills M.A., R.C.S.T. Craniosacral Biodynamics (draft version; North Atlantic Books, 2001).
8. Michael Shea. Somatic Cranial Work (Shea Educational Group, 1997): 81.
9. Sills. Craniosacral Biodynamics.
10. Shea. Somatic Cranial Work: 81.
11. Dr. H. Magoun. Osteopathy in the Cranial Field (3rd ed. Sutherland Cranial Teaching
Foundation, 1976): 99.
12. Magoun. Osteopathy in the Cranial Field: 100.
13. Dr. W.C. Sutherland. Teachings in the Science of Osteopathy (Rudra Press. 1991): 14.
14. Dr. James Jealous D.O. Around the Edges. The Tide (UK Sutherland Society, Spring 1996).
15. Анекдот, рассказанный Колином Перроу
16. Sills. Craniosacral Biodynamics.
17. Sills. Craniosacral Biodynamics.
18. Carlos Castaneda. The Teachings of Don Juan (Penguin Books, 1976): 182.
19. Franklyn Sills M.A.. R.C.S.T. Karuna Institute Prospectus (1999).
20. Dr. Rollin Becker D.O. Diagnostic Touch: Its Principles and Application, Part 3 (Academy of Applied Osteopathy Yearbook, 1964).
21. Ibid.
22. Dr. James Jealous D.O. Healing and the Natural World [interview by Bonnie Harrigan], Alternative Therapies 3.1 (January 1997): 68-76.
23. Dr. Rollin Becker D.O. Life in Motion (Rudra Press. 1997): 5.
24. Sills. Lecture on the Tides.
25. Dr. Rollin Becker D.O. Diagnostic Touch: Its Principles and Application Part 4: Trauma and Stress, vol. 2 (Academy of Applied Osteopathy Yearbook. 1965).
26. The term "relational field” was coined by Maura Sills.
27. Sills. Craniosacral Biodynamics. vol. 2 (North Atlantic, 2004): 6.
28. Becker. Life in Motion: 245.
29. Sills. Craniosacral Biodynamics.
30. Sutherland, quoted in Dr. Rollin Becker. Life in Motion (Rudra Press, 1997): 34.
31. Sills. Craniosacral Biodynamics.
32. Dr. Rollin Becker. The Cerebrospinal Fluid as a Mechanism. The Cranial Letter 47.1 (Winter): 6-7.
33. Dr. Rollin Becker. The Stillness of Life (Stillness Press, 2000): 30.
34. Becker. The Stillness of Life: 74-92.
35. Из истории, рассказанной В.С. Ринпоч (Лондон, 1996).
36. Dianne М. Connelly. All Sickness Is Homesickness (2nd ed. Traditional Acupuncture Institute, 1993): 5.
37. Becker. Life in Motion: 246.
38. Dr. John Upledger and Jon Vredevoogd. Craniosacral Therapy (Eastland Press, 1983): 21.
39. Douglas Janssen R.C.S.T. R.P.P. Training Prospectus (Craniosacral Institute, 2000).
40. Sills. Craniosacral Biodynamics.
41. Sills. Lecture on the Tides.
42. Ven. Cyetrul Jigme Rinpoche. The Teachings and Practices of King Gesar of Ling [talk in London] (September 1999).
43. Анекдот, рассказанный Колином Перроу.
44. Sills. Craniosacral Biodynamics.
45. Dr. Viola Frymann D.O. Collected Papers of Viola Frymann (American Academy of Osteopathy, 1998): 68.
46. Frymann. Collecled Papers: 69.
47. Magoun. Osteopathy in the Cranial Field: 83.
48. Ibid. 85.
49. John Upledger. Your Inner Physician and You (North Atlantic Books. 1991): 30.
50. Becker. The Stillness of Life: 256.
51. Magoun. Osteopathy in the Cranial Field: 108.
52. Dr. Will Wilson R.C.S.T. The Mystery of Craniosacral Therapy. The Fulcrum (UK: Craniosacral Therapy Association, Winter 1998/99).
53. Becker. Life in Motion: 28.
54. Dr. W.G, Sutherland D.O. Contributions of Thought: 140.
55. Sutherland. Teachings in the Science of Osteopathy (Rudra Press, 1991): 14.
56. Sutherland. Contributions of Thought: 137.
57. T. S. Eliot, excerpt from “Burnt Norton”. Four Quartets (Faber and Faber, 1986): 15.
58. Dr. Rollin Becker D.O. Using the Stillness. Scientific Section of The Cranial Letter: The Teachings of Rollin E. Becker D.O. 51. 2 (May 1998).
59. Sutherland. Teachings in the Science of Osteopathy: 16.
60. Lao Tzu, Too Те Ching, excerpt from The Enlightened Heart, Stephen Mitchell (Harper and Row, 1989): 14.
61. Sutherland. Contributions of Thought: 137
62. Carole Manheim and Dianne Lavett. Craniosacral Therapy and Somato-Emotional Release (SLACK Inc., 1989): 83.
63. Sills. Craniosacral Biodynamics.
64. Katherine Ukleja D.O., R.C.S.T. and Claire Dolby D.O., R.C.S.T. training course notes.
65. R. Smoley. Exploring Craniosacral Therapy. Yoga Journal (May/June 1991): 20-24.
66. Manheim and Lavett. Craniosacral Therapy and Somato-Emotional Release: 83.
67. Franklyn Sills. The Polarity Process (Element Books, 1989): 135.
68. C. G. Jung. The Secret of the Golden Flower, trans. Carey Baynes (Arkana, 1984): 83.
69. Ambrose and Olga Worral. The Girt of Healing (Harper and Row, 1965): 123.
70. Becker. The Stillness of Life: 2.
71. Magoun. Osteopathy in the Cranial Field: 105.
72. Steve Haines D.C., R.C.S.T. personal communication.
73. Carlisle Holland D.O. and J. H. Holland. Perceptual Transference, a Scientific Basis for Intuition and Other Paranormal Experiences (unpublished), quoted in Shea, Somatic Cranial Work: 33
74. Becker. The Stillness of Life: 10.
75. Steve Haines D.C., R.C.S.T., personal communication.
76. Hermann Hesse. Magister Ludi. The Glass Bead Game (Bantam Books, 1980).

Глава 8

1. Tsong Khapa. in Tibet. Its History, Religion and People. Thubten Jigme Norbu and Colin Turnbull (Penguin/Pelican. 1972).
2. H.R.H. Prince Charles, quote from a speech given to the British Medical Association (14 December 1982).
3. Mij Ferrett R.C.S.T. Retrieving Innocence via Experience. Caduceus 33 (Autumn 1996).
4. Термин «энергетическая киста» был изобретён доктором Д. Апледжером.
5. Franklyn Sills М.А., R.C.S.T., Craniosacral Biodynamics (draft version; North Atlantic Books, 2001).
6. Dr. John Upledger D.O. Craniosacral Therapy 2, Beyond the Dura (Eastland Press, 1987): 213.
7. Linda Lazarides. Principles of Nutritional Therapy (Thorsons, 1996): 61, 90; Elizabeth Lipski M.S., C.C.N.. Digestive Wellness (2nd ed. Keats Publishing, 2000): 100.
8. Dr. James Jealous D.O. Around the Edges. The Tide (UK Sutherland Society, Spring 1996)
9. Sills. Craniosacral Biodynamics.
10. H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama (London, May 1999).
11. Будда, отрывок из Dhammapada.
12. Ken Dychtwald. Bodymind (Jeremy P. Tarcher, 1986): 22.
13. Ron Kurtz and Hector Prestera. The Body Reveals (Harper and Row, 1976): 1.
14. Ibid.
15. Marilyn Ferguson. Foreword in Bodymind, Ken Dychtwald (Jeremy P. Tarcher, 1986).
16. Albert Vorspan. I'm OK, You're a Pain in the Neck (Doubleday and Co., 1976): 21.
17. Эндорфины являются типом нейротрансмиттеров, которые выполняют эту функцию.
18. N.B. Знаменитые опыты Павлова продемонстрировали, как можно обуславливать физиологические реакции собак. Незадолго до еды собаки слышали звонок, и через некоторое время у них автоматически начиналось слюноотделение.
19. Dr. Robert Ader and Dr. Nicholas Cohen. Behavioural Reconditioned Immunosuppression. Psychosomatic Medicine 37 (1975): 333-40.
20. Ida Rolf. Structural Integration. Systematics II (June 1963): 9-10.
21 Dr. John Upledger. D.O. and Jon Vredevoogd. Craniosacral Therapy (Eastland Press, 1983): 141.
22. Dr. Viola Frymann D.O. The Collected Papers of Viola Frymann (American Academy of Osteopathy, 1998): 250.
23. Dr. Wilhelm Reich, in Bodymind, Dr. Ken Dychtwald (Jeremy P.Tarcher, 1986): 102-3.
24. Dychtwald. Bodymind: 103.
25. Kurtz and Prestera. The Body Reveals: 3.
26. Dychtwald. Bodymind: 14.
27. Robert Fulford D.O. Dr. Fulford's Touch of Life (Pocket Books, 1997): 29.
28. Frymann. Collected Papers: xix.
29. Hollis Pecora and Paul Benson. Noni News 5 (Resonance, 1999).
30. Franklyn Sills M.A., R.C.S.T. Lecture on the Tides (unpublished, June 1998).
31. Frymann. Collected Papers: 317.
32. Jocelyn Proby D.O. In Philosophy of Natural Therapeutics, vol. 1, Henry Lindlahr M.D. (Maidstone Osteopathic Clinic, 1975): 3.
33. Harold Saxton Burr. Blueprint for Immortality (London: Neville Spearman, 1972).
34. Franklyn Sills M.A., R.C.S.T. The Polarity Process (Element, 1989): 47.
35. Dr. Randolph Stone D.O. Polarity Therapy - Complete Collected Works (C.R.C.S. Publishers, 1986): 30.
36. Sills. Craniosacral Biodynamics.
37. Sills. The Polarity Process: 45.
38. Dr. Elmer Green. In Craniosacral Therapy, John Upledger and Jon Vredevoogd (Eastland
Press, 1983): xii.
39. N.B. Многие источники описывают семь чакр, включая теменную чакру на верхушке головы, однако в традициях Аюрведы и Тибета она не считается «настоящей», поскольку активируется, только когда другие полностью открыты.
40. Dr. Viola Frymann D.O. The Law of Mind. Matter and Molion-Scoll Memorial Lecture (American Academy of Osteopathy Yearbook 73, 1973): 13-22.
41. Ibid.
42. Frymann. Collected Papers: xix.
43. Dr. Rollin Becker D.O. The Stillness of Life (Stillness Press, 2000): 2.
44. Albert Einstein. In The Heart of Healing, Caroline Latham (Findhorn Press, 2000): 15.
45. Albert Einstein. In The Stillness of Life, Becker: 255.
46. Bland J. M. and Altman D.G. (1986).

Глава 9

1. Ernest Hemingway. A Farewell to Arms (Scribner, 1929).
2. Penguin Medical Encyclopedia (Penguin, 1972).
3. Concise Oxford English Dictionary (7th ed. Oxford University Press, 1982).
4. Dr. Peter Levine. Waking the Tiger (North Atlantic Books, 1997); Babette Rothschild. The Body Remembers (W.W. Norton, 2000).
5. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4ih ed. American Psychiatric Association 1994).
6. Levine. Waking the Tiger: 10; Rothschild, The Body Remembers: 77-78; Franklyn Sills, Craniosacral Biodynamics, vol. I (North Atlantic Books, 2001): 347.
7. Levine. Waking the Tiger: 155.
8. Dr. Hans Selye. The Stress of Life (McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1956).
9. Levine. Waking the Tiger: 19.
10. Lecture by Scott Zamurut R.C.S.T. (Boston, 1999).
11. Levine. Waking the Tiger: 20.
12. Ibid. 149.
13. J. Axelrod and Т.О. Reisine. Stress Hormones. Their Interaction and Regulation. Science 224
(1984): 452-9. Quoted in The Body Keeps the Score: Memory and the Evolving Psychobiology of Post-traumatic Stress, Bessel van der Kolk M.D. (Harvard Medical School, 1994).
14. Levine. Waking the Tiger. 32.
15. Axelrod and Reisine. Stress Hormones.
16. Sigmund Freud. Introduction to Psychoanalysis and the War Neurosis, trans, and ed. J.
Strachy (standard ed. Hogarth Press. 1919/1954): 17:207-10.
17. Dr. Rollin Becker D.O. The Stillness of Life (Stillness Press, 2000): 45.
18. Dr. A.T. Still. Autobiography of A.T. Still (A.T. Still, 1908; reprinted by American Academy of Osteopathy, 1981): 88.
19. Norman Cousins. Anatomy of an Illness (Bantam, 1984).
20. Research quoted in Mind Body Medicine, ed. Daniel Goleman and Joel Gurin (Consumer Reports Books, 1993).
21.Dr. James Jealous D.O. Accepting the Death of Osteopathy: A New Beginning [Thomas Northrup Lecture] (reprinted in A/O Journal, Winter 1999).
22. Dr. Rollin Becker D.O. Life in Motion (Rudra Press, 1997): 247.
23. Arthur Janov. The Primal Scream (Abacus, 1973).
24. Dr. Rollin Becker D.O. Diagnostic Touch: Its Principles and Application, Part 4, Trauma and
Stress (Academy of Applied Osteopathy Yearbook, 1965).
25. Levine. Waking the Tiger: 10.
26. Franklyn Sills M.A., R.C.S.T. Craniosacral Biodynamics (draft version; North Atlantic Books, 2001).
27. H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama (London. May 1999).
28. Sills. Craniosacral Biodynamics; 121.
29. Ibid, 125.
30. Eugene Gendlin. Focusing (Bantam Books. 1981).
31. Franklyn Sills M.A., R.C.S.T. Focusing Notes (unpublished).
32. Levine. Waking the Tiger: 12.
33. Babette Rothschild. Presentation at the “Breath of Life Conference” (London, 2003).
34. Levine. Waking the Tiger: 187.
35. Babette Rothschild. The Body Remembers: The Psychophysiology of Trauma and Trauma
Treatment (W.W. Norton. 2000): 79.

Глава 10

1. Ella Wheeler Wilcox. In Beryl Arbuckle D.O., The Dynamics of Cerebrospinal Fluid (American Academy of Osteopathy Yearbook, 1950). Reprinted in Beryl Arbuckle D.O., Selected Writings of Beryl Arbuckle (National Osteopathic Institute and Cerebral Palsy Foundation, 1977): 97.
2. Haven Trevino. The Tao of Healing (New World Library, 1999).
3. Elizabeth С. Hayden D.O. Osteopathy for Children (Churchdown Osteopaths, 1997): 3.
4. Dr. Viola Frymann D.O. Relation of Disturbance of Craniosacral Mechanism to Symptomatology of the Newborn: Study of 1,250 Infants. The Collected Papers of Viola Frymann (American Academy of Osteopathy, 1998): 8.
5. Frederick Leboyer. Birth without Violence (Mandarin Paperbacks, 1991): 23.
6. M. Lietaert Peerbolte. Psychic Energy in Prenatal Dynamics (The Netherlands: Service Publishers, 1975).
7. Dr. John Upledger D.O., The Brain Is Born (North Atlantic Books, 1996): 30.
8. Dianne M. Connelly. All Sickness Is Homesickness (Traditional Acupuncture institute, 1993): 25.
9. John Rowan. Paper entitled Major Categories of Early Psychosomatic Traumas (1978).
10. Ronald Laing. Facts of Life (London: Penguin, 1976).
11. Nandor Fodor. In Search of the Beloved (University Books, 1949).
12. Maura Sills, lecture notes on “Core Process Psychotherapy”.
13. Ibid.
14. Ibid.
15. Dr. William Emerson Ph.D. Infant and Child Birth Re-facilitation, transcription of presentation to Second International Congress on Pre- and Perinatal Psychology (San Diego, CA. 1985).
16. Ibid.
17. Dr. William Emerson Ph.D. Personal lecture notes.
18. Upledger. The Brain Is Born: 35.
19. Emerson. Personal lecture notes.
20. Gordon Bourne. Pregnancy (London: Pan Books, 1975): 66.
21. Upledger. The Brain Is Born: 38.
22. Ibid, 40.
23. Franklyn Sills M.A., R.C.S.T. Personal lecture notes.
14. Jonathan Curtis Lake D.O. From из статьи “The Sum of the Parts” (неопубликована).
25. Ibid.
26. Hayden. Osteopathy for Children: 3.
27. Ibid, 10.
28. Gerard Tortora and Nicholas Anognostakos. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology (4th ed. Harper and Row, 1984): 723.
29. Janet Balaskas and Dr. Yehudi Gordon. The Encyclopedia of Pregnancy and Birth (Little, Brown and Company, 1998).
30. Hayden. Osteopathy for Children: 16.
31. Frymann. Collected Papers: 3.
32. Hayden. Osteopathy for Children: 27.
33. Arbuckle. Selected Writings: 81.
34. Dr. Ray Castellino D.C., R.P.P. and Debby Takikawa DC Delivery Self-Attachment and Bonding-Part 2. The Fulcrum (Autumn 1999).
35. Robert Fulford D.O. Dr. Fulford's Touch of Life (Pocket Books, 1997).
36. Fulford. Touch of Life [quoting studies by Dr. Bertil Jacobsen at the Karolensha Institute, Sweden].
37. Dr. Ken Dychtwald. Bodymind [after Dr. Frederick Leboyer] (Jeremy P. Tarcher, 1986): 33. 38. Janet Balaskas. New Active Birth (Thorsons, 1989): 140.
39. Balaskas and Gordon. Encyclopedia: 164.
40. Ibid. 146.
41. Leboyer. Birth without Violence: 70.
42. Ibid, 64.
43. Castellino and Takikawa. Delivery Self-Attachment.
44. Hayden. Osteopathy for Children: 8.
45. A. Schore. Affect Regulation and the Origin of the Self (Lawrence Erlbaum, 1994); D. J. Seigal. The Developing Mind (New York: Guilford, 1999); van der Kolk. Neurobiology, Attachment and Trauma [presentation at the annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies] (November 1998); Rothschild, B., The Body Remembers (W.W. Norton, 1991): 17.
46. B. Rothschild. The Body Remembers (W.W. Norton. 1991): 17.
47. Ibid.
48. A. Schore. Affect Regulation and the Origin of the Self.
49. Lennart Righard M.D. and Margaret Alade R.N. Delivery Self-Attachment (1990): 1106-7. 50. Castellino and Takikawa. Delivery Self-Attachment.
51. Righard and Alade. Delivery Self-Attachment: 1106-7.
52. Dr. A. G. Cathie. Growth and Nutrition of the Body with Special Reference to the Head (Academy of Applied Osteopathy Yearbook, 1962): 149-53.
53. Steve Jones et al. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Human Evolution (Cambridge University Press, 1994): 108.
54. B. Rothschild. The Body Remembers: 16.
55. B. D. Perry, R.A. Pollard, T.L. Blakeley. W. I. Baker, and D. Vigilante. Childhood Trauma, the Neurobiology of Adaption, and "Use-Dependent" Development of the Brain. How "States" become "Traits". Infant Mental Health Journal 16.4: 271-91.
56. Upledger. The Brain Is Born: 289.
57. Ibid.
58. Dr. John Upledger D.O. and Jon Vredevoogd. Craniosacral Therapy (Eastland Press, 1983): 263.
59. Dr. H. Magoun D.O. Osteopathy in the Cranial Field (3rd ed. Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation, 1976): 101.
60. Leboyer. Birth Without Violence: 42.

Книги для дальнейшего чтения

Книги о краниосакральной терапии и краниальной остеопатии

Beryl Arbuckle D.O., F.A.A.O. The Selected Writings of Beryl Arbuckle (National Osteopathic Institute and Cerebral Palsy Foundation, 1977).
Rollin Becker D.O. Life in Motion: The Osteopathic Vision of Rollin E. Becker (Stillness Press, 1997), The Stillness of Life (Stillness Press, 2000).
Dennis Brookes. Lectures on Cranial Osteopathy (Thorsons, 1981).
Theresa A. Cisler, ed. Are We on the Path - The Collected Works of Robert Fulford (Cranial Academy, 2003).
Zachary Comeaux. Robert Fulford D.O. and the Philosopher Physician (Eastland Press, 2002)
Viola Frymann D.O. The Collected Papers of Viola Frymann (American Academy of Osteopathy, 1998).
Robert Fulford D.O. Dr. Fulford's Touch of Life (Pocket Books, 1997).
Nick Handoll. Anatomy of Potency (Stillness Press, 2000).
Elizabeth Hayden D.O. Osteopathy for Children (Elizabeth Hayden, Churchdown Osteopaths, 1997).
H. I. Magoun D.O. Osteopathy in the Cranial Field (1st ed. 1951; 3rd ed. Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation, 1976).
Hugh Milne. The Heart of Listening, vols. 1 and 2 (North Atlantic Books, 1998)
Michael Shea Ph.D. . Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy: A Primer (International School of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, 2002); Somatic Cranial Work (Shea Educational Group Inc., 1997)
Franklyn Sills M.A., R.C.S.T., Craniosacral Biodynamics, vol. 1 (North Atlantic Books, 2001); Craniosacral Biodynamics, vol. 2 (North Atlantic Books, 2004).
A. T. Still. Autobiography of A.T. Still (A.T. Still. 1908; reprinted by the American Academy of Osteopathy, 1981).
W.G. Sutherland D.O. Contributions of Thought (2nd ed. Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation, 1998); Teachings in the Science of Osteopathy, ed. Anne Wales (Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation, 2000).
John Upledger. Craniosacral Therapy II, Beyond the Dura (Eastland Press, 1987); Your Inner Physician and You (North Atlantic Books, 1991); Somato-Emotional Release and Beyond (North Atlantic Books, 1992); A Brain Is Born (North Atlantic Books, 1996).
John Upledger and Jon Vredervoogd. Craniosacral Therapy (Eastland Press, 1983).
John Wilks. Understanding Craniosacral Therapy (First Stone Publishing, 2004).

Книги на подобные темы

Davis Abram. The Spell of the Sensuous (Vintage/Random House, 1997).
Erich Blechschmidt. Ontogenetic Basis of Human Anatomy, The Biodynamic Approach to Development from Conception to Adulthood (North Atlantic Books, 2004).
Erich Blechschmidt and R. Gasser. Biodynamics and Biokinetics of Human Differentiation, Principles and Application (Charles С. Thomas, 1978).
David Chamberlain. The Mind of Your Newborn Baby (North Atlantic Books, 1998).
Dianne M. Connelly. All Sickness Is Homesickness (Traditional Acupuncture Institute, 1993).
Tom Dummer D.O. Tibetan Medicine (Routledge, 1988).
Ken Dychtwald. Bodymind (Jeremy P. Tarcher, 1986).
Engine Gendlin. Focusing (Rider, 2003).
Mae-Wan Ho. The Rainbow and the Worm (World Scientific Publishing, 1998).
Deane Juhan. Job s Body, A Handbook for Bodyworkers (Station Hill, 1995).
Ron Kurlz and Hector Prestera. The Body Reveals (Harper and Row, 1976).
Frederic Leboyer. Birth Without Violence (Mandarin Paperbacks, 1991)
Peter A. Levine. Waking the Tiger (North Atlantic Books, 1997).
Henry Lindlahr. Philosophy of Natural Therapeutics, vol. 1 (Maidstone Osteopathic Clinic, 1975).
Keith Moore and T.V.N. Persaud. Before We Are Born (W.B. Saunders, 1998).
Robert Ornsleln and David Sobel. The Healing Brain (Papermac/Macmillan, 1989).
James Oschman. Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis (Harcourt Brace/Churchill Livingstone, 2000).
Sogyal Rinpoche. The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying (Harper Sanfrancisco, 1993).
Gabrielle Roth. Sweat Your Prayers (Jeremy Tarcher/Putnam, 1998)
Babette Rothschild. The Body Remembers: The Psychophysiology of Trauma and Trauma Treatment (W.W. Norton, 2000).
The Body Remembers Casebook: Unifying Methods and Models in the Treatment of Trauma and PTSD (WW. Norton, 2003).
Theodor Schwenk. Sensitve Chaos (Rudolf Steiner Press, 1999).
Hans Selye. The Stress of Life (McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1956).
Franklyn Sills. The Polarity Process (Element Books, 1989).
Thomas Verny. Secret Life of the Unborn Child (Dell Publishing, 1988).
Ken Wilber, ed. The Holographic Paradigm (Shambhala Publications, 1982).

Как найти биодинамического краниосакрального терапевта

Регистры операторов и аккредитованных обучающих курсов США и Канада

Ассоциация краниосакрильной терапии Северной Америки
Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America (CSTA/NA) PO Box 2038 Big Pine Key Florida 33043 Tel: 305-872-4766
email: info@craniosacrahherapy.org
website: http://www.craniosacraltherapy.org/CSTA_home.html

Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии Ассоциация краниосакральной терапии
Craniosacral Therapy Association
Monomark House
Old Gloucester Street
London WCIN 3XX
Tel: 07000-784735
email: mfo@c ran iosacraL co.uk
website: http://www.craniosacral.co.uk/

Обучающие курсы no биодинамической краниосакральной терапии под руководством Майкла Керна
Training Courses with Michael Kera in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral Therapy Educational Trust 78 York Street London WIH I DP England
Tel/fax: +44-(0)700O-785778 email: info@cramo.co.uk
website: http://www.cranio.co.uk/

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