Fri, 14:42: RT @ MoralMorgan: > New Dexter RP account > Not new to RP or the character > Very open to crossovers > Ships depend on chemistry http://t.c…
Fri, 23:26: *Peeks onto the TL* Hello everyone! How are we all doing? Thank god it's Friday, right?
Fri, 23:27: It can definitely be lonely, I agree, @ AuraAbsorber *sighs a little* But it's always nice to come back around and catch up with people again
Thu, 23:48: And I know I've promised y'all a start to my SL again but I've been majorly busy recently. It will 100% be starting up again tomorrow so --
Sun, 13:40: Going to be inactive on the accounts you see this message on for a few days. I have a uni essay due. But you can catch me on @ WannabeGorilla