Mar 25, 2019 05:11

This application post is now closed.
Please go to this post for any character reservation you wish to fill out, and this post to post a completed application.

(No worries we will look at all the apps that have been submitted this week as well, you don't need to repost them in the new one. But please do not post any new apps here anymore)


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This app's pretty terrible. soulrockcandy October 20 2010, 03:28:17 UTC
I think you guys know me pretty well by now.

In-Character Information
Name : Ghor
Game/Series: Metroid
Canon Point: Right after Dark Samus blows everyone up.
Age & Grade Level: IT IS A MYSTERY; University-level.


Like, I'm pretty sure I dun goofed somewhere. soulrockcandy October 20 2010, 03:29:04 UTC
Personality: Even though Ghor may look like a cold, emotionless robot, he's actually a pretty nice guy! Don't let the fact that he's a bounty hunter fool you - he's selfless and does a lot of his work for free, or he takes the bounty and gives the funds to the families of those killed by whatever criminal scum he just took down. He's probably even taken from rich space mafia bosses and given to the poor. Kind of like a futuristic Robin Hood in space! Okay... maybe not.Besides being charitable, he's also empathetic in that he'll genuinely feel for someone who has been wronged and will make it his mission to fix this terrible injustice! And if someone's not feeling down at all, all the better. He likes to see people happy and become good acquaintances with them (“friends” are kind of risky when you're in the bounty hunting business, but he'll let himself greatly appreciate the company of other people). He's an intellectual conversationalist, using big sophisticated words, and he's got a good sense of humour about life in general... not ( ... )


I didn't even take myself seriously during all this. soulrockcandy October 20 2010, 03:29:57 UTC
Backstory: Where Ghor is from or what he might have been originally isn't important. At least not important enough for Metroid canon to give us any actual info on it. Seriously. HIS STORY BEGINS IN THE 21ST CENTURY...

So basically, in 20XX AD, war was beginning. The place? This one. Which apparently also isn't important enough for Nintendo to give any info on. But it must have been under some terrible totalitarian rule for there to be a war going on for the sake of liberation. News of this war tugged Ghor's tender heartstrings and he lent his aid! ...Only to get his ass kicked. Seriously, he almost DIED. Then the medics were like, “you guys, we should totally take what's left of his brain and penis and put it in a robot.” Thanks to this very Space Pirate-esque way of scientific thinking, Ghor was turned into GREY FOX saved! He was granted the power to merge with machines! The war was won! The people of Wotan VII were liberated and Ghor went on being a Champion of Justice all around the galaxy ( ... )


I'M TOO META. soulrockcandy October 20 2010, 03:30:53 UTC
Anything Else?: -Integrating with computers to get all his data storage/typing/space e-mail done for the past several years means that he has no experience with actual typing. If he ever attempts it he's gonna be slow as all get-out, especially since he only has three fingers on each hand.
-I'm going to be one of those assholes who only have one or two icons. He doesn't change facial expressions what do you want. :(
-Probably has some pretty pro hacking abilities. I would say he's too nice to use them but since he'd be in DOUCHEBAG*MODE at the time anyway...
-Despite his actions being ruled by ~kindess and compassion~ he does try to put logic first and foremost. Try.-He's going to provoke so many fights over the internet and then try to back out and make peace when it comes to offline meetings ( ... )


Also how does I wirting sampols???? soulrockcandy October 20 2010, 03:32:03 UTC
In-Character 3rd person writing post: There was a small fluffy thing in the hallways. According to his research, it was a “cat.” But nothing in Earth's databases said anything about cats wearing goggles, or any kind of headgear (with the exception of tiny hats). Yet here this one was, proudly displaying its fashionable oprotective wear for all the world to see ( ... )


MOD-TYPE REVIEW headmasterhand October 22 2010, 05:17:01 UTC
As it is, we feel the backstory is a little lacking. We know that Nintendo doesn't give much in the way of background for this guy, but we think there is still elaboration to be had. Additionally, we think a test drive in the DR can't hurt! Good luck!


Re: MOD-TYPE REVIEW blondprodigy October 22 2010, 15:54:59 UTC
HEADCANON IT IS. Okay I will do these things.


extended backstory NOW NOT MISSING A CRUCIAL WORD hunter_ghor October 22 2010, 18:42:58 UTC
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

Episode II

It is a period of civil war. The citizens of Wotan VII, no longer able to put up with the dictatorship ruling their planet, have banded together to fight against their cruel leaders for liberation and equality for all. Knowing they can't do it alone, they have enlisted the help of galactic mercenaries and bounty hunters.

Among the native citizens is young Ghor Skywalker, having suffered oppression his entire life, his only idea of a better life comes from the elders who remember a time before the current ruling family came to power. Although he lacks any skill in his heart is stirred by the passionate protests and riots going on around him, and he charges into battle for the sake of his people ( ... )


Accepto numero uno! pedaltothemetal October 29 2010, 05:02:00 UTC
You got it, dude.


And number two! notsilvertongue October 29 2010, 05:02:47 UTC
You know the drill.


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