Title: An Interpretation on Justice (the Aurors and Assassins Mix)
Team: Epilogue
noticeablyPrompt: Justice
Wordcount: 16,000
Rating: R
Warnings: Angst, character death, infidelity.
Summary: The little-known truth about floor sixteen and the department that inhabits it is this: the ten witches and wizards that sit in the front, while attending to things like paperwork and other trivial matters, are only a front to appease the few easily confused, lost individuals that happen to wander into the department unannounced, most usually when looking for another floor.
Author's Note Information on Justice (and the reversal) can be found
here and
here. Many thanks to my teammates for all of their help and encouragement! ♥
An Interpretation on Justice (the Aurors and Assassins Mix) For a description of teams, please see our