Title: Et Lux in Tenebris lucet
Team: EWE
mayfloPrompt: 7. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words with a wand can definitely harm me.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Violence
Summary: In the darkest hour, there's still light that shines through...
Artist's Note: The process of making this work was like giving birth. In the end, everything was worth it. All the gratitude goes to my team captains
aoifene and especially
abusing_sarcasm who was also my beta, and
jamie2109 for betaing as well. You were a great moral support during the most critical hours. Thank you. And thanks for the Worldcup Mods for putting all this together and giving me green light for my submission.
Song credit - The Last Song by X Japan, piano version.
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(link) Et Lux in Tenebris lucet For a description of teams, please see our