Title: Of Truth and Illusion
Team: Epilogue
ennyousaiPrompt: The Moon
Wordcount: ~12250
Rating: PG-13 at the most
Warnings: Tentative infidelity.
Summary: The disappearance of Albus Severus Potter was surely orchestrated by Harry Potter's archrival Draco Malfoy. But not everything is as it appears...
Author's Note: Information on the Moon card can
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Comments 12
The fact that it is Draco who informs Harry that he's sleepwalking through life is great, and that Harry actually looks at himself in the mirror.
I love a good mystery, and while yes, as someone else pointed out, it all came together quite neatly and easily in the end, I enjoyed it - especially the fact that Harry took it as the opportunity to use his own abilities, his own intelligence to find and rescue Albus, rather than relying on others (Aurors or even Hermione).
Ginny's whole acknowledgement that Harry didn't have the training as an Auror was a real wake-up call, and confirmation of what Draco had said. Well done.
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