Title: Of Geysers, Unexpected Rain and Icelandic Sheep
Team: Team EWE
StrengthWordcount: 22,249
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: none
Summary: Sometimes a holiday is more than just a trip to another country.
Author's Note: Thank you to Team EWE, all who were involved (I'll be pointing fingers later) and to the mods for running this fest!
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Comments 63
The location was wonderful, and you could almost feel the calmness present. I enjoyed hearing about Draco's history and that not only was he making potions but wine (strawberry-yum). I would have liked to know more about the location, and the elves, and the earth magic mentioned in the story. It was a wonderful read, and I'm sure Teddy will grow up to be a shepherd. :)
In fact, in the original, before-proofread/beta-version, I did have more on Harry and Teddy's travels and information on the things they were seeing. However, given the length and possible dragging out the story, I've taken those bits out of the eventual version that got sent in. I'm considering maybe posting it as an 'extra', if you know what I mean.
Just Perfect.
This fic included every single thing I have ever thought of in my head on how Harry, Draco and Teddy came together as a family and what Teddy's role would be in bringing Harry and Draco together. It's as if you picked out my brain, found out what I liked and wrote this fic just for me (that is so conceited of me to think that way but it's really, really good and perfectly suited to my tastes so forgive for thinking that way).
Yes, I love how Harry is really giving Teddy a family and being his family. You had me in tears when Harry explained why Teddy calls him "Uncle" instead of "Dad" and not that it mattered anyway because Harry is still Teddy's father in every way that matters! And I was once again in tears at Draco's longing to be a ( ... )
Teddy is a big favourite of mine and he couldn't not be in the fic, you know?
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