Happy H/D Holidays, filleaspirant!

Dec 17, 2007 23:58

Author: grey_hunter
Recipient: filleaspirant
Title: Fatal Fascination
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco, canon pairings implied
Summary: Those who have followed the last couple of months' news might be acquainted with the astonishing story of Camélia Malfoy's mysterious death. Her husband and his family were prime suspects in the murder. Our readers were informed that after local Aurors investigation turned up nothing, the case was handed over to Auror Headquarters, with Harry Potter himself leading the investigation. Many of our readers are still reluctant to believe the outcome, especially after Harry Potter - whose domestic life is whispered to be turbulent these days - handed in his resignation to the Ministry two months later and has refused interviews ever since. Will the true story behind the scandal that had the wizarding world in upheaval for the last few months ever be revealed?
Rating: R or NC-17
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Warning(s): angst, dub-con
Deathly Hallows compliant? Fully DH-compliant
Word Count: ~27 000
Author's Notes: Thank you for all of my betas. It was a hard request, because it was not very specific, so I spent an inordinate amount of time with brainstorming for an idea. I hope I managed to work in the most important things you wanted. There are twists and misunderstandings and I also managed to work in at least two of the prompts. Also, Scorpius seems to have got a mite bigger role in it than originally planned. :P As for a consistent reality and non-sucky writing, I'll let you decide whether I succeeded or not. ;)

( Fatal Fascination )
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