Happy H/D Holidays, Ships Harry!

Dec 14, 2007 08:29

Author: calanthe_fics
Recipient: ships_harry
Title: The secret lives of shadowmen
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco, implied Harry/Ginny, implied and actual (non-explicit) Draco/OMC and OFC.
Summary: Being wizarding Britain’s most famous Auror isn’t all about defeating Dark Lords and saving the world. Sometimes it’s about low-priority stakeouts, rediscovering old acquaintances, and learning things about yourself you might be better off not knowing.
Rating: NC17
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Warning(s): Het relationships embraced (although not in sexually explicit detail). Adult language. Gay sex. Non-explicit (off-stage) child death.
Deathly Hallows compliant? Fully canon compliant - set before the epilogue, but written with it in mind.
Word Count: 44 258.
Author's Notes: Thanks as always to my betas. Happy holidays, ships_harry. You may know that this fic was written with someone else’s prompts in mind, but I hope you’ll agree that there’s a good crossover into your likes and dislikes. Many thanks to nqdonne and taradiane for taking the trouble to match this story to a new recipient. I really hope you enjoy it.

( The secret lives of shadowmen )
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