Happy H/D Holidays, stellamoon!

Dec 12, 2007 23:58

Author: fourth_rose
Recipient: stellamoon
Title: A Spoonful of Sugar
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Summary: Of all the sweetshops in the world, Hogwarts Potions master Draco Malfoy had to walk into Harry Potter's.
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Warning(s): Just that I wouldn't recommend reading this while you're PMSing.
Deathly Hallows compliant? EWE, but otherwise DH-compliant.
Word Count: 11,300
Author's Notes: Yes, the title is from "Mary Poppins". Happy holidays, stellamoon - your "colourful candies" prompt seems to have run away with me... Much love and everlasting gratitude to my wonderful betas!

( A Spoonful of Sugar )
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