Happy H/D Holidays, oootheitooo!

Dec 10, 2007 07:18

Artist: stellamoon
Recipient: oootheitooo
Title: Longing
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Summary: Photoshop painting
Rating: G
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Warning(s): none
Deathly Hallows compliant? EWE, if you like. This is totally up to individual interpretation.
Artist's Notes: When deciding what to draw for oootheitooo, I thought of winter because this is a winter time fest, of course. I don't know, really, how the rest of it came about, but oootheitooo said she wanted something emotion filled that she could stare at for hours. I really hope this fits the bill for her.

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