Dec 26, 2012 22:14

Author: nursedarry
Recipient: enchanted_jae
Title: This Foolish Lover's Game
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco, Ron/Hermione, Blaise/Charlie
Summary: Harry and Ron are sent to elite Auror training. Guess who’s also there. Somehow, Harry and Draco manage to learn a few things and maybe even fall into bed in between the sniping and sparring to become the best of the best of the ( Read more... )

rated: nc-17, [fic], round: winter 2012

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Comments 75

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nursedarry January 15 2013, 09:31:12 UTC
Thank you! I'm always chuffed that readers feel the characters shined in a cracky/humour fic. Many thanks for reading!


sorrel_forbes December 27 2012, 13:55:45 UTC
I loved the dragon barista!


nursedarry January 15 2013, 09:32:32 UTC
Dragon-roasted coffee for everyone! Thanks for reading :)


thisisnotme83 December 27 2012, 14:31:38 UTC
Ha! Loved it! Will definitely be reading again.


nursedarry January 15 2013, 09:33:34 UTC
I couldn't ask for a better outcome! Many thanks for the nice comment.


isinuyasha December 27 2012, 15:47:33 UTC
haha very cute and funny :D Great job!


nursedarry January 15 2013, 15:15:56 UTC
Thank you very much! I had a fun time writing it!


hogwartshoney December 27 2012, 16:47:30 UTC
This is inspired! Had me laughing out loud several times.

The dragon-barista.... I can't even! LOL. Where do you come up with these things.

Loved the Top Gun-ness of it, Cobra's real name (ridiculous amount of giggles there), their Animagus forms.... just... everything.
Putting this in memories for sure!


nursedarry January 15 2013, 15:19:28 UTC
Oh did I have fun coming up with Misty Melons. I figured a tough cookie needed a name like that. I just love making shit up. There's a Starbucks in our local mall next to the Apple store and when I thought up the training idea in the mall, I just had to include it. I thought of the barista bit at the last minute, and I'm so glad I did.

Argh - stupid LJ - I wasn't done! What I wanted to finish with was THANK YOU for the lovely comment!


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