Dec 29, 2009 08:21

Author: rurounihime
Recipient: ashe_frost
Title: The Trouble with Good Sense
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Summary: When you fill a hotel with flying quills, hands-on demonstrations, and too many Aurors, someone is bound to get cranky.
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright ( Read more... )

rated: pg-13, round: winter 2009, [fic]

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Comments 186

dornfelder December 29 2009, 13:44:37 UTC
Funny and hot!
I do so love UST. But the best thing was Umbridge and the way Draco told her off.


rurounihime January 17 2010, 13:54:20 UTC
Ahahaha, thank you so much! I'm so glad you liked it, especially that scene. That one was SO MUCH FUN to write!


tomatoe18 December 29 2009, 14:03:43 UTC
Absolutely brilliant! I had to excuse myself to the toilet in the end so I could laugh uproariously without anyone looking at me funny. And I haven't stopped giggling now. I particularly adored how they all stood up to Umbridge, but the curry incident stole the show for me. And Luna! ♥ I love it, totally love it. [/gushing]


rurounihime January 17 2010, 13:55:05 UTC
Yay, a special trip to the loo for purposes of cackling! Thank you so much for reading my fic. I'm so glad I could make you giggle. ^__^


ashe_frost December 29 2009, 15:33:54 UTC
YAY! Mystery author, I LOVE THIS! I really love the rhythm and the growing urgency of the pace and Draco calling out Umbridge for wearing the wrong color pink in winter! Luna was amazing! I have extra love for your Luna. Also: UST! And snark! Teacher!Harry! Draco having a weird eyebrows kink! (Of course he would!) And sleep-cuddling! And hot kissing! Thank you so much for this fantastic fic! <3<3<3 =D


rurounihime January 17 2010, 13:59:37 UTC
Hey there! Haha, I'm SO GLAD you liked the fic! I just had to throw the eyebrow thing in there because I'm sure Harry's eyebrows are lovely, heehee... Irresistible eyebrows, oh yes! It's a super power. Anyway, your review made me sparkle like the Cullens for ages! *snerk* Thank you!


hallowedresin December 29 2009, 15:44:27 UTC
So cute! :D


rurounihime January 17 2010, 13:55:18 UTC
Thank you!


marcelmoonstone December 29 2009, 15:48:31 UTC
BAHAHAHAHAHA! Ah, crickets. *wipes eyes*

I roared with laughter through the whole story! Absolutely brilliant.


rurounihime January 17 2010, 13:55:59 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm so glad I made you laugh!

And I LOVE your Jack icon!


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